Sunday, July 31, 2011
Power is back on at Palermo
Electricity was just restored. Miss Penny Lane says: Now that she can open the freezer again to get ice cubes, it's time for a Cosmo on the rocks. Anyone care to join her?
Power remains off
Power still off as of 4:30. SoCal Edison says some customers may be without electricity until Monday.
Power out at Palermo Palm Springs
With electricity going in and out all night long, the power at Palermo now has been out for more than an hour. At least 2,000 homes in the valley are without power after thunderstorms fueled by monsoonal moisture roared through last night. Power to the tramway has just been restored. Miss Penny Lane says: She's enjoying the peace.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
More on the public art promised for Palermo Palm Springs
Here's the update on the public art discussed in last week's post. The artist left this post on this site: "I was really looking forward to making these pieces (I am the artist that was supposed to be commissioned to make them). The style and finish of them was to be similar to the animal sculptures I made for the Denver Zoo: I would love to find out if there's any chance this will still happen some day, as I understood it, it was a city requirement to place the public art in the development. PS: there's better images of the design located here:" One concern is what happened to any money for public art that the developer may have paid into the city's public art fund and did it go elsewhere for different art. Another question is how can Palermo residents get the city to install the promised artwork. Miss Penny Lane says: Bring it on!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Maintaining Palermo Palm Springs
Positively Palermo received this photo and this e-mail: "Penny, Who takes care of maintenance? Sprinklers are not working. The plants are dry and need TLC. Trees are leaning over. Look at these poles on the Quiet Side that I have to see everyday. Help?" Miss Penny Lane says: Thank you for your concerns.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Palermo palms get a big trimming
The palm trees at Palermo Palm Springs all received big haircuts today. Thanks to the resident who e-mailed this picture. Miss Penny Lane says: She's ready for a new summer hairdo, too.
Palermo Palm Springs public art
Positively Palermo last August printed this post: "Full-time and vacation homeowners who purchased Palermo townhomes and villas were promised many features, but will these obligations be kept now that the Enterprise Cos. has been issued a notice of default? Through sales materials and signage on the grounds, on the development's Web site, through sales agents for the realty, and at city meetings, much was promised, from tennis courts to a dog park. ... One thing missing is the public artwork that was to grace the sidewalk area along Indian Canyon Drive, approved by the city art commission. The 15-foot metal sculptures by California artist Heath Satow were titled 'Fata Morgana.' They were described as: 'Two large abstracted animal forms from stainless steel with a golden patina fading into the upper section. Stretched in appearance, the 'animals' are topped with branch-like forms with leaves in the area where the head and tail normally would be. The idea is two-fold: One part of this concept is to play upon the idea of a Fata Morgana mirage sometimes seen in the desert areas, which is a mirage that stretches the appearance of things in the distance, sometimes allowing nearby taller things to combine with the object, thus the stretched animal combined with parts of the tree. The other part of the concept is simply to provide an object that will inspire ... an unusual thing that people will not easily forget ... They follow the philosophy of the surrealist movement in that they inspire the imagination stimulating your senses with something absurd, a non-sequitur.'" We've reprinted the 2010 post because we have some news about the artist and new drawings of the the art we were supposed to get. Watch for it this week. Miss Penny Lane asks: When she first saw Palermo sales office, it was like a mirage that she knew someday would be her desert oasis.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Little news about the surprise HOA meeting
Positively Palermo has received little word about what happened at Thursday's surprise HOA board meeting, perhaps because few attended. The only news we have heard is that the board pulled all three financial items that were on the agenda, including discussion of the 2012 budget, even though they were added to an agenda that just came out. Miss Penny Lane says: She has learned that no news often is not good news.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Now there's a call in number
A homeowner has sent in the call-in number for the 6 p.m. HOA board meeting. The telephone number is 800-423-1988. The "participant passcode" is 1543993. Miss Penny Lane says: Thanks for the information, your neighbors appreciate it.
More concern over the surprise HOA board meeting
Positively Palermo received this e-mail that also was sent to the board: "Brandi, Not enough warning was given for this meeting. Where's the email from the HOA? Wasn't it supposed to be in AUG? Who made this decision? Where's the call in number? Penny, please post." The surprise boarding meeting with the 2012 budget as an agenda item is at 6 tonight in the clubhouse. Miss Penny Lane says: She also love surprises but this meeting sounds like anything but a party.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Surprise! HOA board to meet and make decisions on your community, but forgot to tell?

Monday, July 18, 2011
How will Palermo be managed when a new owner takes over the 'Enterprise' properties?
If the 34 so-called Enterprise condos and the undeveloped land in Phase 2 of Palermo Palm Springs are sold by the bank's LLC to a new developer, what things might we expect? One question is management. Before the Enterprise Cos. of Chicago had their loan called in, the developer played a huge role in the management and governance of Palermo. They had a point person on site. One possible buyer mentioned has experience in property management. Some questions to consider: Will a new owner continue to manage the 34 unsold units as rentals? How will the new owner interact with the HOA's management company, known as DRM? DRM certainly will need to work closely with the new owner on a variety of day to day issues, and bigger issues such as the possible construction of Phase 2. It has been said that the Palermo homeowners dues are paying for certain common area expenses that the developer should have been paying for but did not. Does this mean in the future that part of the HOA expense for the management company, as well as other expenses, should be paid for by the new developer owner? Will the future owner require management expertise that the present condo management company may or may not have? What will the new buyer need from the management company and the board so everything runs as smoothly as possible for the benefit of all parties? So many questions, but we hear of little talk of this. Miss Penny Lane says: She's ready to invite the new owners in and give them her ideas.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Repainting and backyard access
Positively Palermo received this e-mail: "The rust color paint is still not done in some back yards (example: all yards on the west side of Penny Lane). We just talked to DW Johnson this morning and according to them the HOA has made access to the yards too difficult to finish. Why is this??? The painting started almost a year ago. In addition, all the dark colors, even the yellow have faded terribly. We have pictures of when the complex was done to prove this. The paint was guaranteed for 10 years. Why hasn't the HOA taken advantage of the warranty for all the faded colors. Before we know it the warranty will be over and it will be too late. Penny, Please post this." A later e-mail we received indicated that the HOA was not the problem regarding the access issue. So what's going on? Miss Penny Lane says: She applies makeup everyday because of what the desert conditions do to her skin so why shouldn't Palermo get a fresh as well?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
HOA stung over wasp problem
Wasps are a problem again. Positively Palermo received two e-mails that in part read: "I write this after being chased out of our pool and yard for the umpteenth time by wasps. This can't continue. The owner of our own pest control company is coming over tomorrow to give us an estimate on the entire complex to find and destroy every last nest, including the ones in yards and on sun decks. We are so mad right now that our HOA and HOA pest control company can't and won't get this wasp issue under control ... Something is wrong when an owner has to take on the responsibility to get the issue of this resolved ... Who is our pest control company and what are we paying them each month/year? Why can't they find and destroy nests??? We have owners running around finding and destroying nests at the risk of getting stung. These people are not experts and they can't find all nests. Why can't our pest control company do this and why can't they go into yards?" Miss Penny Lane says: These are stinging questions!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
What would a new owner of the foreclosed properties do?
Here's where we are at: 34 of the 117 condos at Palermo Palm Springs and the adjacent, mostly undeveloped Phase 2 land are up for sale as a group. Bids were due May 20. A bank's LLC owns them for the time being. Back in June, Positively Palermo had this post: "Hi Penny, through a source in the local real estate business, it appears that the leading bidder for Palermo's unsold units and vacant land is an outfit out of San Diego called Strata Equity Group. They specialize in land development (getting it ready to build and getting the permits from the city) and managing real estate (including residential rentals and commercial space) in emerging markets in Southern California and Arizona." There's no way presently to know if or when the sale to Strata or someone else might go through. We all just have to wait. But over the next days we will examine what a new owner could mean. Strata Equity, for example, seems well situated for the job as it is a developer and manager of rental property. That leads to one obvious question: Will a new owner sell the 34 units or sit on them and continue to rent them out? And if a new owner has rental expertise, will the current rental management company be retained? One possibility, we are told, is that typically a new owner may just put a block of units up for sale as not to flood that market. This also seems likely because there are leases of varying terms on the 34 units. Miss Penny Lane says: She hopes some of the renters will become buyers and stay members of the Palermo's fun family.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Goodbye to the First Lady of the Valley
A prayer for Betty Ford. The valley won't be the same without her. Miss Penny Lane says: When she heard the news, she said no no no.
Monday, July 11, 2011
What happens when the bidder takes control?
Positively Palermo received this e-mail: "Penny, last month you had a post about a possible buyer for the Enterprise (34) units and land, that they may be from San Diego. What does all this mean for us if/when this thing goes through with them or someone???" Good question, and so over the next days Positively Palermo will post some thoughts. Please e-mail if you have other questions or ideas about the transition. Miss Penny Lane says: It's a new week, and she's going to be a busy gal.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Beauty in the back lot
Thanks to the resident who sent in this picture of the wild flowers in the Phase 2 of Palermo Palm Springs. Miss Penny Lane says: She's going to wear purple today to celebrate this untamed beauty.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
New security company at Palermo Palm Springs
Positively Palermo has confirmed that we do have a new security company, Maxwell Security. The phone number is 760-272-1212. Miss Penny Lane says: Thanks. She hopes she never will have to call it.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
A new security company at Palermo Palm Springs?
Positively Palermo received an inquiry about whether our community has a new security company because patrol cars from a Maxwell Security have been seen here frequently over the past week. Does anyone know? Miss Penny Lane says: Thanks for the question.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Problem at the back pool?
Positively Palermo received this e-mail: "Hi Penney, Does anyone know if that was an approved large party at the back little pool today? Must have been at least 15 to 20 there, with tons of glass beer bottles, wine bottles and vodka bottles and other glass. Don't parties over a certain number need approved in the pool area? The people was letting out f-bombs and loud music. I hope no little kids were around." Miss Penny Lane says: She tries not let what others do interfere with celebrating Uncle Sam's birthday.
Happy 4th!
Have a sparkling 4th of July, Palermo Palm Springs. Miss Penny Lane says: It's as hot as a firecracker out there.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
New Palermo Web site?
Positively Palermo received this e-mail: "Hi Penny, Did anyone get a letter on behalf of the HOA from DRM saying there is a new website for Palermo?" Miss Penny Lane says: She's eager to add another site to her bookmarks of must-reads.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Trash bin problems, once again. Where are the landlords?
Positively Palermo received this e-mail: "Hey Penny, Time to bring up a move out fee again already. Someone is moving out of a place on Sandy Point and is filling up the trash bin with furniture and junk. Can't we charge the bank that owns these Enterprise units a fee to pick up this trash? I pray the bin will be emptied tomorrow or with the long holiday weekend it will be overflowing for days. Anything out the bin will NOT be picked up and it's going to be mess on Sunday and Monday (holiday). An Enterprise unit renter on Breeze just weeks ago filled up the bin and was anything done? Or did our HOA fees go to support this one too? ... Please help. HOA fees are not meant to support rental activities such as this. I urge anyone to contact the bank (the address was on an earlier posting here) and tell them you think this needs improvement." Miss Penny Lane says: Thank you for your concern about Palermo.
Happy Canada Day, Palermo-style
Canada gained its independence 144 years ago today. These days some of our friends from up north are using that freedom to snap up condos at Palermo Palm Springs. A good portion of the homes here are now Canadian owned, with many of the new sales being Canadian. Miss Penny Lane says: Today only, she's trading her Cosmo in for a Molson. Does anyone care to join her?
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