Why is it so hard to find out about a Palermo homeowners board meeting? The board, unexpectedly, has moved up the meeting by two weeks and has only posted notices at the clubhouse (and not on the mailboxes). Nothing mailed so far. No other notices anywhere on the grounds. Everyone was told that the meeting was going to be on the 28th. Now it is at 6 p.m. this Wednesday (April 14) at the clubhouse. Miss Penny Lane suggests: Owners and renters should show up to give your thoughts, but bring your own chairs to the clubhouse because thieves have cleaned out part of the place. (P.S.: People also are using this posting to discuss the yellow ribbons on the trees that have recently appeared.)
Thursday, April 8, 2010
A switch-a-roo with the HOA meeting date.
Why is it so hard to find out about a Palermo homeowners board meeting? The board, unexpectedly, has moved up the meeting by two weeks and has only posted notices at the clubhouse (and not on the mailboxes). Nothing mailed so far. No other notices anywhere on the grounds. Everyone was told that the meeting was going to be on the 28th. Now it is at 6 p.m. this Wednesday (April 14) at the clubhouse. Miss Penny Lane suggests: Owners and renters should show up to give your thoughts, but bring your own chairs to the clubhouse because thieves have cleaned out part of the place. (P.S.: People also are using this posting to discuss the yellow ribbons on the trees that have recently appeared.)
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Wake up - they don't want us to come.
I had no idea there is a meeting coming up. Thanks for the tip, Pen.
Go count the amount of trees they are taking out.Yellow tape means the tree goes.This place will look awful!!!!
What is up with the tape on the trees? Last time they did this they ripped out a bunch of palm trees. What does the tape mean? Why hasn't the community manager notified people what the tape means on the trees in front of their homes. If the past is guide, the trees will be chopped down or dug out.
we all need to go to this meeting and express our questions and concerns.... It will be a good way for all of us who care to meet and get to know each other. Thanks Penny for the update.
Hi everyone, Lots going on tonight in our wonderful Palermo. Regarding the trees, Miss Penny was emailed that people with clipboards had been walking around the complex looking at the trees. Miss Penny's hope is that the ribbons are just marking the trees to be trimmed. Nothing more. But one must certainly understand the fear the ribbons are generating in light of the palm trees. Let's all hope for the best on this. But Miss Penny must ask: Why haven't the managers told us what it all means?
Many people are talking about this blog but the board members won't comment and give info. I keep returning waiting or clarifications from them, so now I'm driven to post here, in part because I don't even know how to contact any of these men/women on the board. Maybe they don't even know about this blog. How out of touch is that?
Small Voice ... LOL, how true
Lobo is right. We all need to participate in the meeting & support & meet each other. Please everybody make the effort to show up at least for the beginning comment & questions part. We need to show that we care about Palermo & love our community.
Dont worry the trees are marked for triming!!!!!
I hope 3:22 p.m. Anonymous is right about the trimming and the ribbons don't mean what they meant for the ripped-out Mexican palms. Y not just tell people that right off the bat?
Is it true that all the members of the hoa board live elsewhere? No full-time owners on it?
Someone needs to get the word out about the meeting beyond this blog. The last HOA meeting they didn't even say the time it was or post in the complex anything. We had an annual mtg at 6, and the regular mtg started at 5, but no one knew about the 5 o'clock part. They just sent out a notice about the 6 o'clock annual meeting. It was all meant to confuse us so no one would show up at the 5 o'clock regular mtg. Sick. This time the only notices are in the clubhouse about a mtg that has been bumped up by TWO WEEKS.
Sure, Palermo has its problems, but it has good bones and the problems mostly of are the temporary and human-caused variety. We love this place. Really it's the best complex in its class in Palm Springs. A stunning place. We can let it rot.
Oh, I meant WE CAN'T LET IT ROT. We love this place!
FYI, a resident has put some signs on a few mailboxes about the meeting, because it is crystal clear that by only putting them in the clubhouse that the intention was by management to have a meeting that only a few people knew about. POWER TO THE PEOPLE.
Way to go Secret Meeting for getting the signs ups
thnx for the person who took it upon his/herself to put the notices on the mailboxes - would have never known about the meeting otherwise. I still can't go because of the short notice though. this actually is the second time in just a few months that the hoa has switched the mtg date/time. meant to confuse?
so are they waiting until after the community meeting to cut down the trees, as to outrage people and get them to come to the meeting today?
funny how there's been a flurry of activity this week, like putting up more green fencing - right before the hoa meeting. Happened last time too in January. Do I sense a pattern here?
so they cancelled tonight's meeting with 30 minutes of notice. Lots of disgusted residents. The board members and Brandi ought to be ashamed of themselves.
so obvious that the board members and DRM were afraid of the turnout after Penny Lane's postcards and this blog, and after someone put up their own signs about the hoa meeting on the mailboxes. The next meeting no one will attend because they won't know about it, or because they are so fed up after being shut out of this one this evening. Classic tactics to disenfranchise.
Thid meeting was canceled without proper notice.
it was canceled without ANY notice. some of the board members could have at least showed up to LISTEN. So could have Brandi Scott at DRM. This amounted to a big slap in the face of Palermo residents. The boys in Chicago must be all laughing at us. Too bad they don't understand by letting this place waste away they will never sell their remaining units. Ron S and BeBe, why not work with concerned residents rather than blow them off?
Reread the first comment on this string from April 9: "Wake up - they don't want us to come." How true in light of what happened yesterday.
Is they a new meeting date yet? It's been a long time since the canceled meeting.
Still no meeting date given to residents.
IS THERE A MEETING DATE YET? Is it gonna be another short notice thing? Why?
Someone posted here on April 9 about the yellow tape on the trees that went up sometime before the 9th. Now it is May and the tape is still on the trees. Yuck. Weeks and weeks have passed. Palermo-management style.
Well they did trim the trees yesterday a month after the tape markers went on the trees, but they left the yellow police tape on the trees after the trimming so is that going to be left on the trees forever now?
Tie a yellow ribbon round the old smoke tree, Let them hang from the branches so we all can see, When you finish the trimming just let them be, Because yellow and black tape is so very pretty
Sorry Tony Orlando
Tree Hugger: Were you talking about hanging management? LOL!
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