Our wonderful Palermo undoubtedly will be busy with pool parties with the local hotties, BBQs and the celebratory spirit over the Independence Day weekend. Remember to watch out for the ears of your furry friends if there are fireworks. Your blog hostess will be gone for the long weekend. But Miss Penny Lane says to her Palermo dearies before she hits the road: Have a great and safe Fourth of July. You are what makes living here the best community in Palm Springs.
A good 4th to you, too, Penny Lane.
Hi! I am a full time resident here and I know it will be a busy 4th of July Weekend with lots of families, etc.. and more dogs! I walk my Gypsy in the "field" and while I don't take her off the leash - are you kidding, I can barely control her ON the leash! - many people do..which is fine as I'm sure the dogs will return on command, but with an influx of pets here this weekend, I hope everyone is aware and courteous of all pets & owners walking around the property.
Thanks & Cheers!
Happy Holiday Palermo.
Does anyone know if there will be recycling pickup on Monday which in the federal holiday?
Their website says there's regular garbage service for this holiday.
Thanks so much.
Great day at Palermo. Boys in speedos at the pool on floatties, someone on the Quiet Side is making sun tea with a big jar of it sunning on the wall, another resident is having an inside "yard" sale, people walking their pups, and so. This is why we live here! Happy 4th!
Darn, I missed trash/recycling day!
Missed recycling? No problem...just grab a shopping cart from the median strip on Indian Canyon, put your cans and bottles in it and walk it over to the recycling center on Oasis Road just across the street. Then call Ralphs or whoevers cart it is to ask them to come pick up their cart!
Wasn't it just a grand Fourth at Palermo? Community party for the next holiday?
READ MY COMMENT UNDER THE LIGHTING SECTION as it pertains to no lights again, especailly this holiday weekend at Pool and Spa #2 (the smaller one).
Sick that's all I can say, can't someone check the timer setting in that little locked up area near the equipment. Apparently, no one really here cares, since this it's been going on all year long, (the situation, certainly not the lights).
"Thanks, Miss Penny Lane, Mr. & Mrs. Management, thanks board members whoever you are, for a July 4th at the pool for an evening swim IN THE DARK."
Dunno know about the pool lights because I don't go back there, but I MUST say what a nice holiday weekend without those kids on the bikes running over plants and create a road hazard. The one at 3574 Penny Lane it looks like has moved out. GOODBYE. Michael Heath of Village Property Management needs to raise the standards of who he is renting to here. So glad that trouble-making kinds and his mother are outta here. I had a nice 4th without the pain of those bikers going past my place fore 300 times. About the pool and lighting in general: Just fix it, guys. How many HOA board members does it take to screw in light bulb or flip a switch?
Never mind the lights. Who was that hot tall blond guy in dark blue board shorts at the pool the other afternoon?
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