Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Gym door

Positively Palermo received this e-mail comment: "Hi Penny. I heard that it was discussed about the door to the gym being left open with a rock or dumbbell. This a SAFETY concern since anyone can just walk in and stay in the clubhouse after the person using the gym is long gone. Equipment and furniture could be stolen so please speed the word: DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR LIKE THIS." Miss Penny Lane says: She'd close the door if she ever made it to the gym.


Anonymous said...

I am not the one doing it but I completely understand why. Turn the damn air conditoning on in there!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are in the gym to sweat. Don't be such a baby and save Mother Earth without the excessive juice.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we can get one of the fans from the wind farm in there.