Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Owners give thumbs down to cars in shorter driveways

Positively Palermo has learned that efforts to allow parking cars in Palermo's shorter driveways (less than 22 feet in length) have not succeeded. In a question posed by the HOA management, Palermo owners voted down a change in the rules that would have made this kind of driveway parking allowable by altering the existing rules. We learned that the vote was not even close. Driveway parking has been an issue over the years. Another second — newer and one might think also less controversial — issue also was voted on negatively by the owners at Palermo. It concerned placing solar energy arrays on the rooftops of condos here, as the roofs are considered common assets. Miss Penny Lane says: She's driven and hot about her love for democracy.


Anonymous said...

good news all around

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I voted yes on both of the questions but had reservations on both of them so this outcome knowing what others think is alright with me.

Anonymous said...

Changing the parking rules is just too much of a headache in what it would have caused in my book with the safety points. We all have car ports or garages (private) if you have two vehicles and need a private space for two then buy where you get that, don't alter the rules for a few. Good outcome.

Anonymous said...

I am all for getting to vote but perhaps just wait until the board annual elections for this type of stuff since none of it was urgent.

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to hear the actual numbers. It seems if you need a supermajority of actual homeowners (vs. voters) the voting process is an exercise in futility. Even if 2/3 of owners voted, any measure would require 100% support to win - so it is nearly impossible to change the bylaws.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line, the original Palermo architect was very talented and had a vision of a aesthetically pleasing environment. The HOA rules were designed to maintain that integrity. People that have to have TWO CARS?!?! can park in the many designated parking areas in the community. Gee, it won't kill you to walk a few feet to get to your condo. Green, clean and lean.

Anonymous said...

I have owned condos in many many HOA communities and changing the CC and R documents is somewhat hard intentionally because the documents are what were relied on by buyers and changing them needs a clear and big kind of support. That makes sense to me. But from what I have read elsewhere that we have about 80 private or single owners (not the developer) and only a small portion of the owners said Okay to the switches so the 2/3s or whatever might be required makes no difference when so few wanted the changes. What "4:05 PP" wrote might be interesting in the future but it made no diff in these cases since so many people did not want it. Parking and solar aren't that big of deals to me, and many owners just don't want any change -they like the status quo. And I have to say I am sort of one of them with Palermo on track, the financial turn-around, the beefed up management, the home prices going up. Let's not mess with it. My only complaint really is that the board did not really need to give up this vote and should have just said no in the first place.

Anonymous said...

We "bought into" Palermo under the rules (CCRs, bylaws) and that was the deal. Changing them SHOULD NOT be simple. We relied on them in our purchase. I do agree with the last comment in that it is "academic" about the 2/3 's as so many just voted NO anyways. But my issue is that it should be difficult to change the rules and people who want them changed need to get off their butts and make it happen, not just whine. Complaining about the 2/3 's rule is silly if you did not even do anything to get one vote ---- it is just a red herring. Make it happen, or shut up, and do not place blame on the procedure, when you did nothing to make it happen.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add: I do not fault the board members for putting it out to a vote for us. they give US the power and WE decided.

Anonymous said...

@8:03 - I agree 100%. I think the board did exactly the right thing by giving all the owners the ability to express their view on the parking and solar topics. It was a very clear vote.

The small number of residents that have been violating the parking rules and then whining when the security company called them on it need to fall in line.

Anonymous said...

Want to say how much I like the nice discussion on the site, so not the case elsewhere in the Net, so good fior Penny. My street does not have a parking issue per se, but the owners on Sandy Point should be thanking everyone for this vote which will raise the prices there as it was known as the street to avoid due to parking. Sandy Pointbwas going down hill, the poor rent district but as improved, or will now.

Anonymous said...

Good discussion.

Anonymous said...

There is another solution for people that two cars, it’s a car lift that allows a car to be storeed above another car in a one car garage. We may look into this in the future for our garage. The web site is We have been told all you need is about 10 feet ceiling height and a different type of door opener.

Anonymous said...

A good solution for parking a second car is having the HOA give out a "Resident Parking" sticker. Place this on the windshield (not transferable) so you can leave your car parked and not worry about a ticket.

Anonymous said...

"My street does not have a parking issue per se, but the owners on Sandy Point should be thanking everyone for this vote which will raise the prices there as it was known as the street to avoid due to parking. Sandy Pointbwas going down hill, the poor rent district but as improved, or will now."

LMFAO! Yes, I can't wait to get my house appraised now. Should be about double, right?

Have you ever had a grasp on reality, or did you just lose it when you joined an HOA?

Anonymous said...

To 4:44, I agree! It is wonderful that the places have doubled. Mine unit late last year (same model I mean) went for nearly 2x what I bought for about a year earlier. ButI am keeping mine. You can no longer get any thing new nice and modern for under $350K in PS

Anonymous said...

To the last commenter, that is great news for you and for us with the prices going up and people staying put who are good for the community.

Anonymous said...

To the one thinking about getting their house appraised, there are other ways to determine the possible price rather than paying for an appraisal.

Anonymous said...

To the person thinking they need an appraisal to get ther home value; there are others to do that. Only pay for one when selling.

Anonymous said...

To 959, agree with your comments on an appraisal. I do not get why someone would run out and get one this case, waste of cash. But I wanted to say that when I get to Palermo for my weekends I just drive in a peace flows over me. This is my tranquil spot in life and it recharges me to no ends.

Anonymous said...

Don't know why either he'd get or want an appraisal if not selling. Odd ....! I do know on my street that that last appraisal price was $320,000. Hope that help. Just use someone else if you are not selling but just want a guide. Get smart.

Anonymous said...

Do not knock Sandy Point. It has gotten better with the parking stuffs mostly over and some move in/move outs changing things, much less stressed, nice block party.

Anonymous said...

Can we get back to the original post? I do not understand all the fuss. The bylaws say no such parking, so people just follow the rules. End of story.

Anonymous said...

@10:45, there is never an "end of story" in a democracy.

Anonymous said...

@3:38 - well that is true, but at the same time there is a reality check here. (FYI - I did not write the 10:45 post).

Everyone who bought a home in Palermo accepted the HOA CC&Rs by signing on the dotted line. Those rules were put in place for many good reasons.

A few of the people who signed on the dotted line later seemed to think it was OK to ignore the parking rules / try to change them.

The HOA board raised the topic with all owners and gave us the opportunity to express our view. Clearly the community, by a very large majority, does not want to change the rules.

The majority has clearly spoken; we agreed to these rules when we bought our home, and these rules are still fine. They are not going to change.

If you are not willing to live by the community rules, perhaps it's time you started looking for another home that is a better fit.

Anonymous said...

Ahem to 9:57.

Anonymous said...

I agree completely. I would like to see Article 2.6.2(c) enforced also. Dogs are driving me nuts - I have two neighbors whose dogs bark incessantly, and I am tired of cleaning up poop in my front yard from inconsiderate dog owners. The community is not your dog's litter box!!

Anonymous said...

I don't see 2:45 pm's concern much of a problem with the new (now one of 3!) dog stations in the community. The real issue is that some of what's "left behind" is cats that run around the community. The HOA putting in that third station helped in the community. I rarely ever hear dogs parking since there were a couple of move outs.

Anonymous said...

So glad the driveway problem was settled for the long term good of the Palermo community. Brave to the board to putting it up to the vote of the people, but now it is over and please respect what the neighbors have decided and do not cause problems for everyone and be kind.

Anonymous said...

There is plenty of parking a t Palermo. Will it kill you to walk 100ft to your air conditioned condo? We are lean and green.