Dear neighbors, a quick and sad post before work. There's been another robbery of our beautiful clubhouse/fitness center. Months ago someone took the big flat screen TV. Now Miss Penny Lane understands that tables and chairs have been stolen. It's a sad but perhaps not unexpected day.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Breaking news - Another theft at the clubhouse/gym
Dear neighbors, a quick and sad post before work. There's been another robbery of our beautiful clubhouse/fitness center. Months ago someone took the big flat screen TV. Now Miss Penny Lane understands that tables and chairs have been stolen. It's a sad but perhaps not unexpected day.
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Something must be done about this. (This is a recording)
It's the "broken window" syndrome. The sign at the entrance falling down for days on end showed our lack of care and oversight of the clubhouse and property. It sent a clear message that nobody is watching this place closely. So why not help themselves to our furniture? Fast response and repair is essential. Our maintenance and service contractors (and residents) should be able to contact DRM when they see such problems and response/action must be much quicker.
Same old same - The Palermo MO is to ignore, forget, delay even on little things. Management says something will happen but does nothing, or it takes another incident to get any movement. Anything positive has been because of complaints, not because of any PROACTIVE actions. This place needs security cameras but that has been talked about for two years. I also agree with the broken windows theory regarding Palermo in that the trash, disrepair of basics such as fixing the display case, send a signal that this is a free-for-all and no one is watching. Allowing these kids to take over the club, smoke, create skid marks everywhere, run over plants, create traffic-accidents-waiting-to-happen is another indication. I thank this blog for fostering the communication we need but the management should have been in touch with everyone about the break-in but there was nothing. Way to go.
Just terrible.
PLEASE start to protect rather than these "random" visits by the guard which have proved in effective, witness the robbery. Colt, as I called once, does not come soon. Do u care about us? Where does the 241 go?
The gym equipment will be next. Get a grip.
We're traveling and just checked in. This news is distressing. Yes, when they disregard the "little things" this is what happens. Palermo is like an ATM for lots of people. More when we return.
Workout Lola is dead on. Nothing more to say.
as a concerned resident of this beautiful community, I say we must all help to keep an eye on things and call Colt immediately we if see anything suspicious going on.. It is up to all of us to keep our community safe. Palermo is a beautiful desert oasis here in paradise, I love living here.. Penny Lane "Thank You" for creating this blog for us all.
This is getting scarey! How and where are these theves coming from.We need to keep an eye out for one another. I feel its an inside job.The cleaning people tell me that they've had to clean human feces spred all over the walls of the clubhouse mens room on at least two occasions.I for one am moving as soon as my lease is up to a more secure enviornment!!!
The present security company recently plastered a ton of its signs around the complex (free advertising). Then some thugs walked off with numerous, multiple pieces of furniture from a "secure" club house. The signs gave/give a false sense of security. What's backing it up? Today (Sunday) on Melody Lane and Breeze Lane there were cars parked opposite each other on both sides of street blocking the road for fire trucks. The people when you first come in on Melody (Indian Canyon side) are too often parking in the street blocking it. So lots of security signs but nothing done today.
Have any units been robbed or their pateo areas.What is the status!??
I have been here a year and noticed that as soon as one bad apple gets evicted theres another one moving in to take their place. Its unfortunate because I was excited about living here when i first moved in, and now realize the management and HOA dont enforce anything. Are they weak or just dont care? I have people park on the street in front of my house and block my garage at least weekly. I dont know why more owners havent short saled since these are worth half of what they paid for them. Instead its a steady flow of low end renters with stickers on the windows and kids while not picking up their dog poo which is constantly being left in my front yard not to mention the oversize work trucks and RV's peppered throughout this community. It adds insult to injury the recent removal of the beautiful palm trees around the neighborhood that were sold for cash and the offensive fire extinguisher installed on my wall without notice. I am leaving this year for greener pastures.
There have been robberies. One unit on Sandy Point lost two big screen TVs. Several people in the one-story units have lost BBQs, trash cans and other stuff. All this is on top of the clubhouse losing a TV, tables, chairs, broken pool sticks, ripped down curtains.
I see adding more Colt visits really helped.
When is the next board meeting? How about a public safety and security committee? The homeowners board needs people who actually live here on it. I've been told that three board members live in Chicago! The others rent out their places. Some explaining is in order, fellas. Furthermore, why not a community-wide meeting for owners and renters to discuss safety ideas and suggestions?
Last night I saw a Patrol or Security car with it roof alert light on about 1 :30. AM ,Is something up or is this normal for security?
It was a patrol car warning a car it was parked in front of a hydrant.It was a good thing!!
I hope they towed the car.
Lots of U-Hauls around with renters moving out, Colt and residents need to be on watch.
I'd place a 20 that some of that furniture ended up in one of those trucks. VPM needs to screen better.
Cameras on the doors ought to be been put in place long ago. Or least the HOA board should have had them in after the first robbery of the TV. Now more has been taken and still no cameras.
Where are the cameras????????????
Still no cameras
I totally agree why not a community wide meeting to discuss these and any other issues of concern. Owners and renters who care, we all live in the is fabulous community together. It looks like it is up to us to look after each other since the Mgmt Team , whoever they are seem not to be concerned. I love living here. Instead of just packing up and leaving as some have said, why not get involved in making it better and safer. We all have to be the ears and eyes for Palermo. I definately think a community meeting as a first step in this direction. We can all get to meet each other discuss our concerns and take it from there.
Happy Holidays to everyone.....
I agree 100 percent with Lobo. How do we organize it. Also I hope everyone is OK after that big quake that hit. Palermo looks like it came out without damage.
Lobo, would luv to meet you, another resident living life on Melody Pain.
Cameras now.
I heard from a neighbor that not only was furniture taken but also the thugs broke into all the locked closets in the clubhouse and gym area. Don't know what they took from the closets.
We don't use the clubhouse but like that it is there. It's a beautiful facility. At least these break-ins serves to prompt us to do something. More could have been taken. There's still the basic furniture in it. Everything wasn't lost. Maybe just a simple rearranging of the remaining furniture is needed. The good thing from all this is that now we can take action to preserve what we have. The clubhouse has such a beautiful design to it. WE LOVE PALERMO.
Cameras we're on the now-infamous cancelled HOA meeting agenda. Will it happen now?
Cameras are needed. Tonight there was a guy in there who might not be living here. He worked out, got all sweaty, took his shirt off and laid out on the sofa to watch TV. Really pleasant (not!).
This place also needs cameras to get those brats under control. As a new renter I had my first encounter them - they would't move out of the street on the Quiet Side so I could park my vehicle. They just stood there on their bikes in the street. Acted like they own the street. Where are the parents? I needed to sign a long lease with Village but they rent to them. What's up with that?!
The break in happened in March. It is May. Nothing has been done, has it?
There now are signs saying cameras are up at the gates.
Is the furniture going to be replaced. It's been months.
Now that we have cameras in place, cant we get photos of the drug dealers in the clubhouse bathroom?
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