Hello Palermo friends:
Perhaps you saw this earlier comment post from your neighbor Mr. Jones on this blog site. Mr. Jones wrote to you: "The sign at the club house door is falling down. It is hanging by one nail and will fall and the glass (will) shattered all over. Who's going to do something about it??"
Well we now have an answer: NOTHING. Despite notification, management has done nothing to fix it. It's a crash waiting to happen right here in our little Palermo community. Here's a furnished picture.
Miss Penny Lane asks: If this glass case breaks, and if the management knows about it, should the replacement cost come out of the HOA dues, or should the management and absentee board foot the bill?
Hey Pen, It's still not fixed. Way to go managers.
The display case is still not fixed.
Is there a manger or HOA rep living here?
No. Nada. But there was the promise of someone being here everyday from 9 to 5 in the front office. She put notices on illegally parked cars, let in delivery people if you were gone and id other things too. It was a real service. Then they fired her to save money but didn't lower the HOA fee. We need Lynn back here.
A thank you to Ms. Penny Lane for spotlighting this and getting (forcing?) them to fix it. It took a week for you to get that done. Imagine how long it takes for the rest of us without this site to get anything corrected. This renter would like to give MsPL a big kiss for her work for renters and owners here.
Some of the greatest residents are renters here.
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