Arriving back at the Palermo mothership this evening, signs taped on the mailboxes greeted people coming home from work. The note read: "TOWING NOTICE. Please be advised, all vehicles parked in the street will be towed immediately. If you should see any vehicles parked illegally please call Colt Security at 760-564-8415. Lastly, if a vehicle is parked in your driveway you may also authorize the removal of the vehicle by calling Brothers Towing at 888-323-2325. Thank you, Palermo Board of Directors." Sadly, the HOA board probably was driven to take such action because of the continuing brutish behavior of some residents and visitors, and concerns about public safety. Miss Penny Lane often longs for the genteel days of her childhood and says: Let's all be courteous and refrain from illegal parking, as it could endanger the lives of your neighbors by impeding traffic and safety vehicles.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Palermo HOA to clamp down on illegal parking?
Arriving back at the Palermo mothership this evening, signs taped on the mailboxes greeted people coming home from work. The note read: "TOWING NOTICE. Please be advised, all vehicles parked in the street will be towed immediately. If you should see any vehicles parked illegally please call Colt Security at 760-564-8415. Lastly, if a vehicle is parked in your driveway you may also authorize the removal of the vehicle by calling Brothers Towing at 888-323-2325. Thank you, Palermo Board of Directors." Sadly, the HOA board probably was driven to take such action because of the continuing brutish behavior of some residents and visitors, and concerns about public safety. Miss Penny Lane often longs for the genteel days of her childhood and says: Let's all be courteous and refrain from illegal parking, as it could endanger the lives of your neighbors by impeding traffic and safety vehicles.
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I have no issue towing violators and will be even more diligent. I dont believe it's the homeowners that are the issue.
Yes, yes. As we all know, homeowners can do no wrong. They are perfect in obeying EVERY jot and tittle of the rules. It is the evil, rule breaking renters that have wrought this parking havoc upon Pristine Palermo--off with their heads--and out with their offending vehicles.
I'm a renter as well...I don't really appreciate that we get blamed for everything!!! I've lived many places before and its not just the renters, homeowners don't always follow the rules.
As Rodeny King said: "can't we all just get along?"
I don't think anyone is singling out renters vs. owners. It's a fire and emergency vehicle hazard. Imagine a fire truck or ambulance trying to get through in an emergency. The streets are fire lanes and only 24 feet wide. I
When you bought or rented, you knew the rules or should have. There's plenty of guest parking a half block away from everything, so don't complain now as a victim. Whether you are an owner or a renter, you'll be cited and get towed. If you don't like it leave.
Good for the HOA for clamping down on this. Period.
I'm an owner and I just want to say I have no animosity against renters. I for one am glad renters are here. There have been some renters that have caused problems, but let's be careful to not lump all renters in one group and all owners in another. Towing is a public safety issue, it has nothing to do with renters or owners. It's about all residents and we have rules we have to follow.
I agree with the above, I was only showing my frustration when it keeps getting noted that it's the "renters". I don't care who you are, if you break the rules there needs to be consequences. Renter or Homeowners. I just want everyone to be treated as equals, no more of this renter vs. homeowner. We are supposed to have a community that works together not in segregated groups.
I agree too agree with much of the above but I wish that Michael Heath of VIllage Property Management did a better job. Period. Renters who gave notice become lawless, unruly. They park on the streets (fire lanes), throw out TVs and sofas, and generally give everyone the finger.Mr. Heath needs to get his act together and do something about this. A bunch of people moved out last weekend and caused problems, and all were Heath's VPM renters. Don't forget that those teenagers and young people who were casing trouble also were Heath tenants. If Enterprise stays or goes, we need to get the owner of these units to find a different rental company. SO yes, we need to be together as a community but this means that VPM must do a better job so its other many good renters don't get "lumped" into the same pool.
Hmmm ... as a person who is moving to Palm Springs and not all that familiar with the area, I was thinking that the Palermo might be a good starting place for a couple of years.
Now I find out that the property may go into forclosure and to top everything off, neighbors squabbling over renters versus home owners. Now I am wondering if signing that lease is such a good idea.
Above, this is a blog. Most people are anonymous and therefore a bit more honest and outspoken. Palermo is an amazing place and the people are generally nice. There have been a few problems, but they are mostly getting better. You should check it out and then make your own decisions. For renters and new home buyers, there are deals to be had here and I would say if the Enterprise parts of the company go to the bank renters will be at an advantage with likely special lease to own offers, etc. Don't let a few blog opinions and rumors stop you from making your own decisions based on facts not a few blog posts! :) It's a great place.
I have an idea. To settle the renter vs. owner question, let's build a ball diamond on the south 40 undeveloped area and start a softball league. Winner takes all! God knows there's space for that and a dog park! Maybe VPM can pay for renter uniforms and Enterprise for owners uniforms. Our own "little" league team. Miss Penny Lane can bring her pom poms and Miss Cherry Sunburst can cheer for the other side!
The HOA is taking a responsible action to ensure that if anyone here needs a fire truck or an ambulance that the vehicles can get through to anyone and everyone - renters and homeowners - all residents.
You all are being silly.It;s a simple public safety issue.
Peace and Love!
Miss Cherry Sunburst says: Let's not take our frustrations with VPM out on our good neighbors who just happen to be renting!
ONE: Happy the towing will start. Colt needs to do its part and actually make it happen. If Colt just drives by report them. TWO: VPM allowing some bad renters to move in and not policing them when they leave, is what has caused a bad view of other renters. As someone said here, don't lump everyone together but VPM seems spotty. THREE: Softball? Why not a Cosmo drinking contest at the pool or something more appropriate?
I reported a violation on Saturday night on Melody Lane and COLT was out in 15 minutes. The truck has been parked legally ever since. Wow, what a concept!
You won the lottery IF COLT actually responded in 15 minutes! I would love some details to believe this is even possible. What address was the truck parked at? Illegal parkers don't deserve anonymous cover. And it's been...what...48 hours since? They'll be back. Count on it. And were they towed or did COLT speak to them? COLT is in La Quinta EVREY TIME I have called and I have called six times. So great for you but that doesn't mean COLT is working out.
I am so HOPEFUL that this is true and indicates a new response time and action plan. But seriously, can't we find a Palm Springs security company that can consistently respoind to calls?
Personally, I am sick and tired of single residents who choose to own more than one car, have the incredible luck to have not only a garage, but a driveway long enough to park a second vehicle in and STILL choose to always take up the very rare GUEST parking in the far northwest corner of Palermo where parking is at a premium. My partner and guests have to park 5 minutes away in the very back every time because of this consistent lack of courtesy.
There's a truck outside 3651 Melody Lane all night.
Why hasn't the large white motorhome been removed from the guest parking on Melody Lane?
FYI: Residents cannot call Brothers (888 323 2325) when you call them they say they will only tow if DRM or HOA calls them.
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