Here is what CEO Michael Heath of Village Property Management is saying to our neighbors who rent out units owned by the Enterprise Cos. of Chicago. The letter is above - sorry for the quality of the image. Some highlights are:
- "PS Venture Indian Canyon San Rafael LLC has ownership of many condominium units at Palermo that Village Property Management manages. These units may experience a transfer of ownership. In most cases there is a seamless transition of ownership."
- "As a representative of Village Property Management, I am here to assure you to the best of my ability and within my power that your tenancy will not be in jeopardy while we are managing your residence."
- "Village Property Management, as your Landlord of record, holds your security deposit in a Broker's Trust. This will continue to be the case during any possible transition of ownership in your condominium or the subsequent release to you after your tenancy has expired ..."
- "You will receive future updates from me when I have them."
Miss Penny Lane says: It is good to know someone is saying they have the backs of the renters of the Enterprise units, but left unanswered is whether Enterprise has told Village Property about what may happen next.
if you just click on the image it will enlarge.
Notice the hedge words: "your tenancy will not be in jeopardy while we are managing your residence."
How can Village Property being renting out units that are going into foreclosure? Legal? Ethical?
Do they manage 3651 aka the drug house? The tenants are still there after the raid when they took a room mate away, so anyone know whats up with that?
From Michael Heath, CEO, Village Property Management. I want to thank Penny Lane for taking the time to put together a well thought out blog. Village Property Management provides an important service to the Palermo community. Village Property Management and its staff take pride in the Palermo community and we will continue to be a large support in what makes Palermo such a great place to live. It is important to mention that without the presence of rentals in the Palermo community, the HOA and the development would be in a much more challenging situation. The rental income has afforded the developer to keep HOA dues paid. Village Property Management works to support not only the developer but property owners and renters alike. I want to offer all persons an opportunity to reach me directly with concerns related to VPM rentals at Palermo. Feel free to express your comments related to VPM’s presence at Palermo - be it constructive or less constructive. I can be reached via email at mheath@vpmrents.com. I thank you for this forum.
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