Oh where oh where is our management? One must ask if Palermo even is has a "community manager" who's in touch with our needs. The trash pick-up doesn't come until Monday, but this is what the trash bins on Sunburst and Melody Lane looked like on Saturday. They will be an even bigger mess on Sunday. Miss Penny Lane says: So many unsuitable suitors gave her their numbers after a night out that she had filled a garbage bag with these scraps of paper, so imagine her shock when she had no place to dispose of these bad memories after returning home.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Palermo, Saturday night
Oh where oh where is our management? One must ask if Palermo even is has a "community manager" who's in touch with our needs. The trash pick-up doesn't come until Monday, but this is what the trash bins on Sunburst and Melody Lane looked like on Saturday. They will be an even bigger mess on Sunday. Miss Penny Lane says: So many unsuitable suitors gave her their numbers after a night out that she had filled a garbage bag with these scraps of paper, so imagine her shock when she had no place to dispose of these bad memories after returning home.
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Why does this keep happening? The dumpsters are a mess.
scraps of paper,condom wrappers....I guess we could really talk trash !
Everyone should see the bins tonight - Sunday - there's trash all over
Haven't we interviewed Euclid management and owners were told numerous times that the present management company would be let go, but the promises have been broken time after time. Why should people bother to go to a board meeting when things like this happen and when insulting agendas about how/when/where we can speak are sent out?
Residents living in a high-end complex like Palermo shouldn't have to put up with the bins being like this. Shame management.
The Dumpster on Melody is full, with huge boxes sitting outside it. Wasn't the "community manager" on site today for the hoa board meeting? C'mon.
has anyone called the mgmt company and let them know the bins are so full? If not, what number do we call
Miss Penny Lane for HOA Board! Rather than hide behind your anonymous website, why don't you really make a difference and step out of the shadows?
This community is the biggest bunch of babies I have ever seen. You all cry and complain about everything yet you do nothing except nit-pick and everything and everyone. No wonder no one wants to come and live here either by purchasing or renting. And as a matter of fact when ANYONE visits one of the condos here and happens to ask me how Palermo is ........ and this happens often ....... I tell them that everyone that lives here are the biggest cry babies and complainers in the world. The HOA, the residents that own here are just the worst and I also tell anyone all over the valley when they ask about here.
Get a life you idiots ............. this is the worst place anyone could ever live because of all you idiot complaining babies.
I can promise you that I will continue to tell everyone to NOT move here if I can.
It has been this way for a long time now. All people here do is complain. Out of over 100 units, there are actually 3 or 4 homeowners that do ANYTHING here. Everyone else just sits down and complains about what the 3 or 4 people do. The amazing thing is ALL the people on the board do not live here full time. The ones that live here could care less, they just want to judge others and do nothing. I for one am EXTREAMLEY mad that I bought here!! I thought this would be a good place to live but to be honest the day I can get even close what I paid I am out of here. I do not get involved and because of my schedule I cannot give the time to the HOA but then again I do not complain about anything at anytime. Frankly, I wish the HOA board would quit, I would LOVE to see what happens then.
Everyone wants to rent here. The rentals are snapped up in days - that's why VPM is so desperate to keep this contract.
it is not the renters that I see wining all the time, it is the owners. The renters are on the Nice place to visit but would not want to buy here plan. I love how all the owners here look down their nose at the renters, like they are the low class scum ruining this place. It is the LAZY do nothing, finger pointing, blame everyone but your self for your problem owners that are ruining this place. You all do NOTHING to help your situation, just blame the world for all of your problems. As far as taking pics of garbage, maybe u should use that time to figure out how to solve the problem. You have entirley too much time on your hands. The sence of entitlment the people have around here is discusting!!
Oh dear. Somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed. Please do not speak for me or lump me in with "all the owners". As an owner here I have many friends that rent and certainly don't consider them to be "Scum". I'll reserve my thoughts as to just who "Scum" might be. And as far as complaining. Well, I only see one person on this string really doing a lot of complaining. Borrow my compact sweetie? You need to look in the mirror.
Not everyone needs to be on the board, that would mean the board would 117 people on it. Everyone can make their own unique contribution. Penny Lane is doing her part. In fact, she's done more than anyone to bring this community together. She's our cheerleader, historian and watchdog. From my vantage point, much of what the board or DRM has done is because it started right here - cameras, security, getting a lawyer to look out for our interests in terms of Enterprise, and it goes on and on. The improvements wouldn't have happened otherwise. We'd be forgotten about. But now we have this place to go. I do agree with "11:08 a.m. poster" that the board needs someone who knows at least something about communications. That's a big hole on the board.
The borad needs two more people on and they have been asking for months now and no one will reply. Yes, this is a good fourm for everone but it is a very negitive web sight. I never read anything positive, no one ever thanks the people that are trying to make a difference. It seems like HEY WE ARE COMPLAINING FIX IT. that is not fair. I have one question that NO ONE is willing to answer, what would you do if they just said, "I Quit" no one here appriciates what we do, no one thanks us they just have negitive things to say. So, this is YOUR home you run it. We have decided not to be involved anymore. Would we have an HOA board? would anything get done? would you be sorry you complained so much? IT is easy to sit in the back drop and complain but from what I can see around here people are not interested in fixing their own problems they expect everyone else to do it for them. I happend to go to the last board meeting. You say that the people here are just mad at the board, So, tell me why only five people showed up for the neighborhood watch meeting. Did the person that is starting that dosomething wrong, are you mad at him for some reason. Here is on person (and he does not even own here) and he is trying to do some good for the community and almost everyone snubbed him. By the way out of the five peopole that showed three do not live here full time. So, tell me what is the excuse here!! Like it was said before, complaining but no action on the people that need to step up. Lets review on this hits here, all people that are on the board don't live here full time and the one doing the neighborhood watch is a renter.. So tell me now how the people that own here and live here full time want to change anyting!! It seems to me that people DO just want to complain and have others do their bidding
I think there must be a poster from management/board trying to knock down every concern raised here by trying to deflect the attention elsewhere. Reminds me of someone I work with. Every time there's a problem in her area she ignores it and attacks the person for "complaining" and then tries to steer the discussion in that direction. I'm happy that people here aren't giving into these deflection tactics. Management can't have it both ways - saying they want people to be involved but then dismiss them when they have real concerns. Furthermore, the childish language this person is using is like a school-yard bully with name-calling at that age-level as well. My bet would be that this person will be gone from the community once he can sell, so we won't have that kind of childish negativity to deal with. Good riddance - like Penny says: We have a jolly crew here. And that doesn't mean we can't point out areas that need improvement.
Some people didn't show up because of the wording on the agenda. I also get the feeling in talking to my neighbors that people thought the new board would be different in that some campaigned to be the opposite of Enterprise, but now that they are in "control" they are acting more like how Enterprise acted, so people are giving up and waiting until the January elections to maybe bring some different people in. I'm not saying that is right but it is being said. There are several people interested in running for what I can gather. One full-time resident did apply for the board but for some reason they didn't appoint them in the summer, so it can't be said no applied. My feeling is that not appointing a full-timer immediately speaks volumes about the board. Palermo is great place with lots of great people and I wish the management would see that. The whole board (all 3 of them) quitting wouldn't be a big deal because there are several people who would probably step up if the dynamic changed in that department. (PS - The board gets lot of thanks. The last meeting I went to we gave them around of applause. People are thanking them all the time. Some people are tired of their complaints about not be thanked. Many posts here thank the board too.)
Well, maybe some of the people that will run should take up the two open spots on the board now. I think that would help a lot. If nothing else it might present a fresh view
There wasn't enough notice about the neighborhood watch meeting, like, how were renters supposed to know about it? VPM could have sent out a notice. The board/management need someone good at communicating. That's why Penney for many has become the lifeline. Wasn't the Monday meeting just a loose organizing one and not the one where the police were going to come? A full-time homeowner who actually knows the neighbors on the board also could get people to come to such a meeting through individual contacts rather than unknown part-time investor types, and hopefully, like said above, come January we can get 2 or 3 full-time people on the board.
To 1:18 p.m., they won't even appoint the one who has stepped up, so why should someone else also step up and get slapped down? Just asking the question.
Hello my fair not pickers ....... and I refer to you nit pickers by looking at ANON March 29. This is EXACTLY what I am talking about ........... nit picking cry babies ............ and when you browse around in this blog you idiots you see pictures of garbage that someone took on a Saturday evening!!!! Do you not have a life? I mean seriously ......... I am right you know. You are all nit pickers, cry babies with NO LIVES.
Make this place FUN to live and not have everyone worry that the CONDO POLICE are running around taking pictures of garage doors and cars in the streets. You are all such babies I can't stand it .............. and I am not moving because the values of these places has dumped just like your attitudes nit picker cry babies. If you would do something Positive Palermo ........ like the name of your silly BLOG then those of us that DO want to get out of this dump might have a chance.
The above attitude is so very different from that of the easy-going neighbors I know at the Palermo. For someone to get up and write that kind of stuff at 6 in the morning is kinda odd. And for someone to get so upset that a Palermo resident is concerns about overflowing garbage is also strange. The bin on my street, Melody, got even worse on Sunday since the pick-up wasn't until Monday and all the left over trash was put back in the bin and it was loaded up/overflowing again for days. People shouldn't have to look at this from the adjacent units, but I don't understand the disgust at people concerned abut the community. Just plain odd. I guess it's because he bought too high, probably a flipper who timed it wrong and now has a bad attitude. Funny, because the way to bring up property values is to fix any problems here before they fester.
Hello Everyone, It is me Perry. To the 9/29 post @ 1:27 about the NWP, first yes it was just a loose meeting and no it was not the one with the PSPD there, I will set that one up soon. Sorry that you did not get enough notice about the meeting. I talked to Michael at VPM about getting out the word to all the renters that he has. He was going to get it out to everyone but I did not give him enough time. He is going to let all the renters know about the NWP. I posted my email information on the mailboxes and on this sight but I am sure not everyone saw them. If you would email me your email address, I will put you on the list and you will get updates on a regular basis. That way you will always know what is going on. Thank you so much for your interest and I look forward to meeting you. 20/20 hindsight I should of put the date of the meeting on the mail box as well.
How does a NWP work?
How does the NWP work? An excellent question!! Hello, this is Perry; we all get together and go over things that we all might be concerned about. Threw communication between us and the PSPD we will know what is going on around here. A lot of this is knowing who belongs here and who does not as well as knowing about your neighbor i.e. they are going out of town etc. You and their other neighbors will keep and extra eye out for his/her place. We will also have the PSPD attend some of our meetings and take care of any concerns we might have. I would also invite a council member or two to further address concerns Ex. What is going to be built around or us or things the county or city might do that may we can keep on top of things. We will also include emergency procedures for everyone should they need it. Ex. There is an earthquake so we know how to make sure everyone is ok and if not we know where to search (GOD FORBID) I am going to set a meeting soon with the PSPD as well we are going to organize a pot luck dinner so we can start to know the "who’s here" thing :) We are also setting up a neighborhood walk and maybe even that possible pool tournament everyone is talking about. There is a lot more to it but that is the nutshell version. I figure the worst thing that can happen is we all make another friend or two and we live in a secure and friendly community.
Thanks. I think the NWP is probably a victim of some of the feelings toward management and board. If people understand this a resident-driven thing, maybe more will show up. I would definitely come if a police rep was there.
Hello, this is Perry. I have done everything I can so now I think it will just take some time. I would welcome you to join our meeting, one more is a start. Maybe you could talk to your neighbors and see if you can get them to come too. Word of moth is going to be our best friend. Thank you. IF you have questions please let me know. You should send me your email address so that I can keep you up to date. It is pstamas@live.com
Hello fellow residents. I was belittled yesterday by an owner for being a renter (and biker). The irony I was working with a lender to purchase a residence here, but now have my doubts. We may be renters, but most of us take GREAT pride in living in Palermo. Let's be a team whether renters or owners! Sincerely, Courtney (rides harley, works out in gym often)
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