Palermo Palm Springs switched security companies about two months. The new company is Coachella Valley Security. Their main telephone number is 760-200-8999. But as Positively Palermo noted in early October, some residents have been confused about who the security company for our community really is. One reason is that at least five Colt Security signs, which list their number to call, have been up around the complex despite Colt's firing months ago. At last, we can report that these misleading signs are gone. As some residents may remember, when Colt still was our security company, Positively Palermo distributed refrigerator magnets with Colt's contact information. If you still have one, please remember to now discard or recycle it. Miss Penny Lane says: With that eyesore of a sign gone from the front gate, it's like we have a fresh face on our grand entrance, and we didn't even have to use any wrinkle cream for the make-over.
I'm keeping my magnet as a collectors item.
So glad Colt is gone. One car that took forever to respond. Things have quieted down -- for now -- but we learned from that experience that staying on top of on street parking and safety issues is important and takes everyone's participation. I don't know the status of the neighborhood watch effort but it still is a good idea. Does the new security company patrol here ever? I have not seen them but maybe I just haven't been outside at the right times. Does anybody know the patrol schedule? It would be nice to meet them.
I never see the new patrol company...are they doing tours?
I also have never seen them and street parking is worse than ever. Obviously, there is no real security here, I'm not even sure we have management at this point either. All this drama is getting SO old.
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