Sunday, February 3, 2013

CC&R's and driveway parking restrictions?

Positively Palermo received this e-mail: "Hi Miss Penny Lane, We recently received a notice to all homeowners for Palermo Palm Springs and wanted to receive some clarification on parking rules in the CC&Rs. I called Euclid Management and told them we have a long 26ft driveway and is it ok to permanently park a car in the driveway as long as it doesn't stick out past the curve. They said it was fine but if we go away for ong periods of time then we would need to let them know. However the CC&Rs state that if a unit driveway is 22ft or longer, then the authorized vehicle may parked in the driveway for a period not to exceed 72 hours, provided that the vehicle does not encroach onto the sidewalk or there public or private right of way. By having the 72 hours rule, that means basically no vehicle really can park in their driveway longer than 72 hours no matter what size your driveway. That brings up another issue. After 72 hours can that same vehicle park in the driveway again? What is the time frame after the 72 hours can the car come back to park in the driveway for another 72 hours? Can they park in a guest spot and then move back to their own driveway? Seems to me there needs to be more clarification on the parking. Do you have a comment or have an answer? Thanks so much. J ..." Miss Penny Lane says: She's feeling super about Palermo.


Anonymous said...

Please enforce the CC and R's on no parking in the driveways except really long ones. These cars parked up agains the garage doors make the place look like a tenement. These people can park in their garage. You do not see this problem with the car ports because pople are using them correctly unlike the garages which are being used to storing junk, boxes, whatever. I am happy the board is tacking this super issue.

Anonymous said...

Quite frankley why should the people with short drivaway NOT be able to park a car there if the rear does not extend to far? The rules say it is ok, even if the car noese the garage door.. its with in the rules.. if everyone one wants to get sticky when a rule is not followed even a littel bit then turnabout is fair play.

Anonymous said...

If the car does not extend into the blacktop it is OK with Fire Department Codes. If the car is in working condition and not a junk heap it should be OK with the HOA also. The HOA needs to stop nitpicking on this issue.

Anonymous said...

The HOA board did not write the CC&R's they are only trying to enforce them. I am behind them 100%. Everyone, wether a renter or owner needs to be aware of the CC&R's and follow them to avoid a violation. If you don't like the CC&R's find a way to change them instead of complaining. Any owner here can be on the board. There are 3 board members up for re-election in January who have done a terrific job but with the constant complaining and rule breaking are worn out. They have worked very hard to get things done here and it has helped the property values go up. If you don't like the job the job they are doing or have done, run for the board.

Anonymous said...

Yes, ever since the management company has been ticketing people for having an inch of their cars hanging over the edge of the driveway property values have gone up 24%. I predict if they ticket people for having unsanctioned potted plants prices may be in bubble territory again!

Anonymous said...

It's so tacky to see people park their cars right up to the garage doors to try not to hang out into the street. Just park your car in your garage folks.

Anonymous said...

I agree, cars parked like that are fugly.

Anonymous said...

You know what is far more tacky?

Snooty people who peek through curtains and worry about how other people's cars are parked.

Get a life.

Anonymous said...

To 9:35, fugly - you said it. Dangerous too when they go into the street and block fire trucks.

Anonymous said...

Good news here but landlords must make sure they provide the ccr's so we know the rules. I hate looking out my window and seeing such cars and then the busted up garage doors that follow up since that always happens next. My landlord never told me I can't look out my window through the binds (not curtains here) but is that a rule too? I rent here at Palermno because it is a nice classy well kept place and move to DHS if you want to live in a parking lot.

Anonymous said...

People, let's be sure we are posting messages within the boundaries of what the CC & Rs regulate. Please do not denigrate DHS as the HOA can be sued for such.

Anonymous said...

RESOLVED: Let's abide by the rules of the condo assn. and take care of this problem chop chop chop. I hadn't thought of the property home values but, yeah, if I was driving away seeing any car parked that way it wold make go "huh"?

Anonymous said...

What do you mean "RESOLVED"? Who are you??

FACT: Cars have been parked in driveways all year in 2012

FACT: Prices have appreciated 24% in 2012.

Correlation does not prove causation, but we don't want to risk changing anything with appreciation like that.

Anonymous said...

The Fire code is one thing, but if a car does not hang over the blacktop it is not breaking the rules as per the Fire Marshall. I for one do not want to pay the management company to enforce some obscure city or state laws about parking in driveways. If the city or state has a problem with it, they can bring it up themselves.

Anonymous said...

The rules in the CC&Rs reflect conditions imposed by the city and/or state due to the width of the streets, the lengths of the driveways, etc. This originated way back at the beginning of the development planning process. It is not something the HOA created.

All the streets in Palermo are considered firelanes hence no parking except in designated spots.

It is the responsibility of the HOA and the managementy company to enforce the CCR rules.

It is the responsibility of all residents - owners and renters - to follow those rules.

As a homeowner, you have to acknowledge acceptance of those rules when you purchase a property.

As a renter you are subject to the same rules. If the person you rent from does not provide you a copy of the rules, that is a problem - but it does not remove the requirement that renters need to follow the same rules as home owners.

Anonymous said...

I love it how people who do not like a rule call it OBSCURE or nit-picking but as soon as something they don't like comes up it is the most importance rule on the book. LOL

Don't think a safety issue is obscure in my book.

Anonymous said...

The HOA needs to enforce the ccr's or if not I will sue. There exists no valid reasons not to enforce the rules that protect us, as plenty of parking exists and everyone has a garage as well according to my lawyer. I am informed that a lawsuit to enforce this rule would be easily won with the HOA dues paying for my lawyer fees and court cost under the state codes that make it clear. It is not up to someone to say the rule like this does not matter as it is the rule and it is a big one to boot. The HOA is on notice that a lawsuit will come if the cc and r's are not followed. It makes no different if it "sticks" out or "not."

Anonymous said...

I think the HOA
and Euclid ARE enforcing the rules - and that is as it should be. My impression is that several posters on this blog would like to ignore the rules. If they do that they will be penalized - end of story.

Anonymous said...

I concur with 8:44. Not much of a debate. The enforceable rules that the HOA might use say this must be enforced. End of Story. HOA does not have a choice cuz to disobey puts the HOA at risk and would send a message that the rules in the deeds and title do not make any difference. Right on for taking care of this eyesore/safety/code/ccr issue. End of story = no choice.

Anonymous said...

Good. Did I say, good all ready? Do not forget that many many of us here living in 1 bedrooms with covered carports and do not park in the street, or into it, and have little pity for these rule breaking people on one or two roads at the complex. I steer a friend away from looking on Sandy Tr. because of this, really ugly, especially midblock area.

Anonymous said...

Let's keep Palermo beautiful; put your cars away.

Anonymous said...

The banged up garage doors that come with this parking is a drag and I hope can end too with improvements and changes. We love when we can get to come to Palermo and purchased here based on love of modern design and clean lines which banged up doors or doors or car right up tight against the doors doesn't exactly portray. Happy to have a place on Sunburst where this is not a problem.

Anonymous said...

I think there are plenty of parking spots in palermo. i think they should chane the rules to NO CARS IN DRIVEWAYS EVER!! It looks awful... let us enjoy the clean lines of palermo1

Anonymous said...

The design is so wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Well said. Let's keep it that way.

Anonymous said...

Love the passion in this community - such a special place amongst the residents. Yes, we all care. SO many other complexes in Palm Springs are just so blah, no one knows anyone. "Palermo is a special place"is what you hear here and yes, It Is So true. So lucky to be here!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Go Palermo!

Anonymous said...

This is a fair debate to have, but it needs to be framed correctly. It is not about safety, it is about snootiness. The Fire codes require 26 feet for access, so if your car does not hang over the blacktop there is no problem there. Parking on the side of the street is not and should not be allowed, but parking in your driveway is perfectly legal.

Anonymous said...

If someone wants to amend the cc and r's then do it, otherwise our association will be subject of a lawsuit but that one comment above reminds me of the Countywide/ Bank of America / banker attitude that got us in the real estate mess --- don't bother with the rules, toss out what is not convenient.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Penny for your service to the community here. We are so fortutnate to have this and the spirit here. I have no doubts that units get snapped up here so fast because of this spirit shown, this service and the food works of the management.

Anonymous said...

Food works???? Did you mean good works? LMAO. I like food works better. The don't see much of the Country Wide- Bank of America mentality here at Palermo but do indeedy understand the comment in the few who'd like the HOA/management is just closed their eyes to the rules but we should understand the rules are their for our protections and lest Palermo get a rep as a place where the rules do not matter, so there is that obligation. I do not know what it takes to change the CC&Rs but these rules are our protections and I seriously doubt the parking/driveway one would pass any kind of community-wide vote in that on my side of the complex you can't do it because the drives are too short or nonexistent.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:52 pm... when you say parking n the driveway is "perfectly legal", what legal standard are you referring to?

Anonymous said...

Don't think 1;52 knows much except he doesn't like the cc and r's and other HOA document to be followed and wants the HOA sued. He should read the documents.I would think anyone on Sandy Point would want these rules follow since this drive way thing is dragging them down, as the least desirable part of Palermo to live in.

Anonymous said...

Sandy point has LIFE

Anonymous said...

The CC&R's basically state that no one except the carport units can park in their driveway no matter how long it is because of the 72 hour rule so it doesn't really matter how long a person's driveway is. Isn't that right? So if you ever see a car in a driveway longer than 72 hours it is in violation of the parking rules. I imagine guest parking has the same time frame.