The abandoned shopping carts on Indian Canyon Drive haven't been a big problem for a while. But now, as expected, they are back. One overturned cart is near Palermo's main exit driveway. Another is by the Sunline bus stop on Indian Canyon. Yet more are behind a short Palermo wall on Indian Canyon (see the above picture e-mailed from a resident). Some background on all this. In May 2010, Positively Palermo posted this:
"More good news about removal the stolen shopping carts left on Indian Canyon median outside Palermo. Some carts are gone because of your calls. Two members of the Palm Springs City Council (Rick Hutcheson and Lee Weigel) have responded from this site. Now City Manager David Ready has promised action in an e-mail to us. The recycling center on Oasis Road is attracting all these carts (Palm Springs Recycling is at 280 W. Oasis Rd. Phone: 760-325-3377)." Palm Springs Mayor Steve Pougnet and City Council members Chris Mills and Ginny Foat back then didn't return e-mails asking for help.
Later, the HOA after residents complained did send a letter to the recycling center saying the HOA would oppose the center's license renewal in 2013 if this situation isn't fixed. The carts disappeared from the median outside Palermo — but carts were still turning up down Indian Canyon closer to downtown. The problem just moved away a bit. Now, as you probably could predict, the carts are back creating eyesores right here are Palermo. The City of Palm Springs says to call a shopping cart removal service at 800-252-4613. But this service doesn't pick up all carts from all retailers, is slow, or doesn't come at all. Palermo residents also have taken to calling the individual stores, with limited success. The city manager, City Council, and the Palermo management must keep in mind that this is a continuing problem that requires constant monitoring and action. Palermo residents deserve better.
Here are email addresses for the the mayor and City Council:
Mayor Steve Pougnet — E-mail: Steve.Pougnet@palmsprings-ca.gov
Chris Mills — E-mail: Chris.Mills@palmsprings-ca.gov
Ginny Foat — E-mail: Ginny.Foat@palmsprings-ca.gov
Rick Hutcheson — E-mail: Rick.Hutcheson@palmsprings-ca.gov
Lee Weigel — E-mail: Lee.Weigel@palmsprings-ca.gov
Miss Penny Lane says: She's shopping for a solution.
I thought this has been solved! We need an onsite manager.
Not surprised at all that Pougnet didn't get back.
I called the Recycling center but didn't get through (they were gone).
Carts are still there. City is no help.
We got the one by the gate removed. Has the HOA or DRM gotten involved yet?
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