Monday, August 23, 2010

Plants need a Happy Hour, too

A resident sent in this photo and wants to know whether one of the palms at Melody and Breeze is dying. The tree on the right in this photo looks in distress. Miss Penny Lane says: Perhaps our gardener could get out the water hose to give this and other plants that need it a big cool drink. She herself could use one after today's heat.


Anonymous said...

Water them!!!

Anonymous said...

Also check some of the others.

Anonymous said...

Is there a board meeting coming up?

Anonymous said...

I got an email stating that the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be Monday August 30, 2010 at 6:00 pm, at the Clubhouse.

"Homeowners are welcome to attend. The agenda for the meeting will be sent out to you within the next couple of days."

Anonymous said...

Still no agenda? Nice job (not).

Anonymous said...

Disappointed with this board. Meeting with little notice/no agenda. Been 6 weeks and the 3 members have yet to appointed 2 more board members. No full-timers on board. Recall?

Anonymous said...

The board has PROMISEd to get new managers since at least Jan. 2010. Pretty much losing confidence, especially with the board now only letting three board members make decisions during this uncertain period. And why waste tme going to Monday's meeting if owners just get shut down? Never seen anything like this before but at least we have Ms. Penney!!!

Anonymous said...

The only way there will be a homeowner "shut down" is if you and other homeowners do not show-up at the meeting and ask questions, provide comment and offer direction to the board. YOU, the homeowners, are the association. Having served on an HOA Bd of Directors, it is hard work and in some ways, having fewer "chiefs", is a good thing. HOWEVER, each homeowner has an implicit responsibility to actively and constructively share in the governance of the association. Why would you want to do otherwise? Palermo is your home--seems like you'd want to be involved as much as you possibly can to protect your home, foster understanding, and ensure Palermo continues to be an excellent place to live. I challenge anyone who is complaining about the current board, to step-up and serve. I guarantee that once you've dilligently served on the Board, you'll have more respect for the folks who are currently serving and have VOLUNTEERED to do so. All homeowners should be more than supportive of this board--after all, they are homeowners too.

Anonymous said...

Does this board care to hear input, after that this agenda? Not that many people even show up in the first place and now they want to gag people. Often, the board and managers don't even know the facts of this place so residents need to speak up to correct them at board meetings!!! The board acts as if "it knows best." They have appointed two new members and it has been TWO MONTHS. What's up with that? Control issues? They have said to peoples faces that DRM is gone but .. forget it. Why get involved after this treatment since Enterprise putted out. I'll take Shipka any day rather than this.

Anonymous said...

People give it up: The board seems to want to hear what it wants to hear and do want it wants to do. You are there as a show, cover. It only right now takes two people on the board to make a majority decision, and do you wonder if that has already happened long before any public meeting? Is the board action driving people away?

Anonymous said...

Why was Michael there,and in executive session?

Anonymous said...

Micheal who?

Anonymous said...

I had planned to attend which would have meant rearranging my schedule. But when I saw I would be limited to 180 seconds of comment at the beginning of the meeting during the "homeowner forum" and not be allowed to comment or ask any questions during the rest of the meeting what is the sense in attending? At the last meeting (July) DRM incorrectly reported to the board the hours of spa operation and had to be corrected by one of the homeowners in attendance so that the board could make an informed decision. At this last meeting that would not be allowed. Homeowners should be treated as a resource including the HOA board members themselves. We really are not such a big community that we can't have some give and take during these meetings. Especially during these rather challenging times of tranisition and economic uncertainty. I have attended most of the other meetings and never witnessed any discourteous or rude discussion except when Bruce used to cut people off and talk over them. I never understood why contractors and paid employees would be given deference over homeowners who, as someone previously said and I agree, are in essence the HOA. I found comments by some of the homeowners at these previous meetings informative and helpful. And even if I might not agree with all they had to say I sure support the idea of letting them contribute. Certainly not every item on a board agenda would merit comment or questions. But as we come together as a community I would hope that we foster discussion and communication rather than unnecessarily limit it. One of the board members used to have a weekend morning open house before they were on the board and encouraged people stop by and talk about any concerns and ideas to help support the Palermo community. What a beautfiul concept and it sure would be nice to have that kind of communication now that they are on the board without DRM or other paid interests around to shut the coversation down for obviously conflicting reasons.

Anonymous said...

The HOA dues are paid by the owner not the renter. Enterprise has always paid the HOA dues regardless of whether the unit was empty or rented out. They paid the HOA fees on all empty units before VPM appeared on the scene and after.