Saturday, August 14, 2010

What we didn't get: Concierge services

Remember dear old Lynn? She was the thoughtful woman who worked at the front desk at the sales office at 230 Enterprise Way. Lynn would go around the complex on foot or in a golf buggy. She'd remind people not to park in the wrong spots, like on the streets because they are fire lanes. This sweetie would let the gas man in, or open your garage for a necessary furniture delivery when you were at work or away from Palermo. She'd check on your place if you were a vacation second-home owner. The real estate agents sold Palermo as having concierge services, then Lynn was let go, apparently because of costs and now we have a community manager who seems to know little of our Palermo and comes here once a month. Miss Penny Lane says: Lynn was Palermo's fairy godmother with a warm personality and many miss what she did for us.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that!! Lynn was fantastic!

Anonymous said...

She was great! LOVED her. Why doesn't the board get rid of DRM and use the money to hire a full-time on-site manager/concierge? There's more than enough space in the clubhouse for an office and we'd finally have someone on-site watching out for us rather than a secretary sitting in her office in Palm Desert shuffling paperwork around and getting nothing done?

Anonymous said...

Lynn sounds sweet and its nice to reminisce about the "good 'ole days," but those days are over. It is now up to the HOA (directors and owners) to assume responsibility, i.e., GOVERNANCE for all aspects of this community. DRM is not a concierge service or fairy godmother--what Lynn did and what DRM is supposed to do is two different things. Since the Palermo HOA governance is stretched thin already, why would homeowners want to take on the work of a management company? I urge all homeowners to learn what it is that a property management company is supposed to do and then determine if a new management company is needed or not. Contact the Coachella Valley Chapter of COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS INSTITUTE. This national organization provides education, support and training to homeowners charged with governing homeowners associations. Go to: or for information about the national association, go to:
But to try and assume responsibility for the legal and day-to-day aspects of management of this complex is a job (a second job for most), homeowners would be very foolish to take on.

Anonymous said...

I miss Lynn. I know it's not realistic to think we can that position back but I do miss her.