Saturday, February 25, 2012

'A very emaciated chihuahua just ran into my house then scooted out'

Positively Palermo received this e-mail about a stray dog in the community: "Hello Miss Penny, An odd thing just happened. A very emaciated chihuahua just ran into my house then scooted out. I tried to find it in my yard but he/she must have taken off. I left some dog food and water outside my gate, but I can't seem to find this poor thing. I'm guessing it was someone's pet and left to fend for itself. If anyone sees it again, could they call animal control to get it to a shelter? I left some dog food and water outside my gate, but the poor thing looks like its on its last legs. Please let everyone know so they can keep an eye out? Hopefully it can be captured and put up for adoption. Thanks!" Miss Penny Lane says: Poor dear!


Anonymous said...

I will keep a look out. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, poor little thing. I did my morning walk and saw no signs. Check down by the models.

Anonymous said...

Any sign of the dog?