Saturday, January 15, 2011

No news at Palermo Palm Springs?

Positively Palermo received this note and photo: "Miss Penny, How can your site be loaded with cool information but the community bulletin, the one locked behind glass so we have no access to it, is barren of info, devoid of anything? It's been like that for months. Is there no news of note at Palermo?" Miss Penny Lane says: Palermo news keeps her so busy that it cuts into her time at the beauty shop.


Anonymous said...

Who has the key to the bulletin board? Happy things like the Pool Tourney should be posted!

Anonymous said...

It's unbelievable that the case doesn't have the SECURITY number and the management company name and number. What if there's a problem and that isn't in there?

Anonymous said...

To the post above, very good ideas. please get it done. Thanks.