Sunday, February 20, 2011

Venting about blemishes on Palermo's modernist design

Positively Palermo received this email: "Hi Penny, it's ironic that in the middle of Modernist Week that the design of Palermo is being marred. The unit at 280 Enterprise Way now has an unsightly silver chimney-type spout jutting upward. Imagine those all over the roofs of Palermo." The email adds that city's resolution approving the Palermo development says this isn't permitted. It says: "The city declared under 'general conditions/code requirements' that 'all roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened for all possible vantage points both existing and future per Section 9303.00 of the Zoning Ordinance. The screening shall be considered as an element of the overall design and must blend with the architectural design of the building(s). The exterior elevations and roof plans of the building shall indicate any fixtures or equipment to be located on the roof of the building, the equipment heights, and type of screening. Parapets shall be at least 6" above the equipment for the purpose of screening.' Please HOA follow these rules or the city must be notified." Miss Penny Lane says: She's a modern kind of gal who bought here because of the design, so thank you for the information and picture.


Anonymous said...

What the heck is that thing?

Anonymous said...

Can you say ugly?

Anonymous said...

It's ugly all right and in violation of the city code for Palermo. We must be watchful to make sure the integrity of the the design is adhere to. Good catch whoever saw this particularly during modernist week.

Anonymous said...


This must be removed! It is in violation of the code and somebody put this up without checking the code. This eye sore hurts the values of all of our units. I too bought here because of the architecture. Too bad for the owner, but this is not acceptable and hurts all of our unit values. How do we go about getting this removed? Let's get on top of this! From Unit Owner and Real Estate Professional

Anonymous said...

The city was closed today when I tried to call about it. This is an architectural community - the integrity of the design, the sight lines and the views are important and must be care for, so we're on a downward spiral. Death by a thousands cuts sort of thing and we'll lose this special design. Enterprise really touted this design in brochures and on the Web.

Anonymous said...

Get rid off it. Tell the city. We are a design community and what 280 Enterprise is doing is hurting the look and design of our community.

Anonymous said...

If we had a strong architectual committee preforming monthly walk throughs this should of gotten caught and a immediate warning sent to the owner. This writer ask Ms Penny Lane "were is our architectual committee"?
I notice homeowners landscaping the front of there units. Some of them look nice but do not go with the decor of the community. It sticks out and also needs to be stopped.

Anonymous said...

First on the "ugly thing" on enterprise. It does not look like the owner did it. It has probably been done by a contractor I could be as simple as the owner does not know it is there especially if they are out of town owners. As far as the landscape is concerned people should be able to landscape to their tast. I think it is a little over bearing for someone to have to go get permision from what ever comitee it would belong to. As beautiful as this place is no one wants to ruin that however this is not the comunity of Stepford wifes here. I am sure a lot of the issues that are brought up here would get better if we some of the owners that live here were on the board. I know of only one board member that stepped up that lives here and that is Travis.. A little slack for the people that are trying to make this a better place.

Anonymous said...

About owners adding landscaping I believe the idea was to have sparse landscapes.One unit on Melody has added many plants and a fountain on the wall of the unit which is against the rules. It looks rather messy a blight on our beautiful Palermo.Please..

A touch of paint said...

Going back to the vent pipe, there is at least one more new vent pipe on a unit on Sandy Point. Both that unit and the one on Enterprise are recent sales. The pipe on Sandy Point has been painted to match the color of "chimney" making it much less obtrusive. The glaring silver pipe on top of the Enterprise unit gleams like an architectural eyesore clearly visible even from San Rafael.

Anonymous said...

Palermo is a planned development and the landscaping had to be approved by the city. That is why when all those palm trees were pulled out that Palermo had to go to the city planning commission to get approval.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine what Palermo would look like if we could all put the fountains of our choice on the the exteriors of our units and add as many plants rocks ect....What is fair for one is fair for all. Where is the board ?

Anonymous said...

The vent/pipe/whatever is a cheap looking thing sticking out like a sore thumb. The city rules say it should be shielded, if it even is allowed in the first place. Sorry, folk, but there are rules and codes, and Palermo's design was approved by the city and must be keep the same unless the development gets the city's approval.

Anonymous said...

That owner is in short sale right now and probably could care less about it. Maybe the bank or somebody required it.

As for the additional landscaping....I agree...those owners had the best intentions but it does not fit in.

Anonymous said...

I have been her for a while now and to be honest don't usually get too much involved. However (no sarcasum intended) it seems like people here vary rairley have anything nice to say. There seems to a ton anger and fustration. No one seems to gravitate twards the nice things and people here. As far as the landscaping is concerned there is a minimum amount of landscaping needed acording to the city code. The code does limit how much landscaping you may have. YOu can plant utill the cows come home. Now weather or not the HOA allows it is a different subject. The coment that the landscaping has to be approved by the city is absurd at best. The city CAN NOT tell an owner that they can not plant a flower. Unless of course it is dangerious.

Got my garden hat on said...

To 2:01 the point made in the earlier comment is that there was a city approved landscape plan for the Palermo common areas -- that includes the front yards of all the homes that are part of the common area and owned by the HOA. People can plant what they like in their back yards. Front yards are controlled by the approved landscape plan and the approved plant pallette which consists of desert plant species requiring low amounts of water. The city is requiring new developments such as ours to put in drought tolerant plants. I personally love flowers and a variety of plants and will exercise my creative gardening in my backyard and leave the front to maintain a consistent community appearance.

Anonymous said...

Don't call people angry just because they care about the look and appearance of their community. People have the right and responsibility to speak up about this issue.

Anonymous said...

There sure is no harm in putting a pot of flowers or two by your front door,but agreed the landscaping should be consistent to maintain taste and be fair to all.

Anonymous said...

Agree with above.

Anonymous said...

To answer the question about where is our architectural committee, it is in Chicago. The HOA board in charge of that is literally in Chicago. How much of a joke is that? Why is someone in Chicago even on the board let alone of the architectural approvals? One reason we're seeing unapproved things pop up is because of this it seems.

Anonymous said...

I think that the reason things go by the board is because they for the most part do not live in the community. Things go by the board due to they don't live here so day to day issues go without notice. It seems that the ones that live her just do not have to time to be on the board. If your venting your fustration here maybe you should make a one on one appointment with a board member and voice your concern. I know "that is why there is a homeowners meeting" and "nothing ever gets accomplished there" I have said it befor here and I will say it again. People here want others to to the bidding for them. If you have an issue it would seem more time and energy is exaused here on this sight and not in an official forum. Hardly anyone shows at the board meeting. I rember several poeple were talking here about ousting the boad and locals (people that live here) were going to go for the board but very few stepped to the plate. You cant expect someone that is not even in the state to be as concerned as we are, it is just the way it is in life. Figure 30% of the place is rentals, about 30% are out of town owners and that does not leave many people left to run the community. Things are never going to be perfect no mater how you regulate it.. it is just not going to be perfect. I would not let the little things bother you.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone this is Perry I think the "thing" on enterprise was done by some contractor and the own probally has no idea it is there or that it is against policy. I can atest to that. I had my satalite dish installed and I gave the contractor the rules for putting it up. Well low and behold it was not put in correct and was blocking my neighboors view. I was approached nicly and when I found out I had them come back and move it and everyone was happy and I actully found out my neighboors were great people. Maybe a friendly letter a talk to them would work like it did for me. Well just a thought

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't that "thing" been painted o match the Palermo colors by now?