Sunday, July 24, 2011

Little news about the surprise HOA meeting

Positively Palermo has received little word about what happened at Thursday's surprise HOA board meeting, perhaps because few attended. The only news we have heard is that the board pulled all three financial items that were on the agenda, including discussion of the 2012 budget, even though they were added to an agenda that just came out. Miss Penny Lane says: She has learned that no news often is not good news.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From my perspective, not a lot happened. There was discussion about fixing the gate at the big pool and a new vendor for trimming the palm trees. The point of contention there was regarding, should the HOA pay for trimming the trees on the undeveloped parcel (I guess that means the ones on Indian Canyon) in addition to the ones inside. The argument for paying for it was so that they would not look shabby and detract from the complex. The argument against was that this is not part of our current parcel (at least that's how I understood it). They also handed out refrigerator magnets with the phone number of the new security company. However, the magnet doesn't stick to my refrigerator.

Anonymous said...

I was told one board guy said he did not like signs, for the trash bins, because it only concerned 5 % of the people, and he did not like signs at all and they put it on the agenda for the wording, and then he goes just put dog poop signs up, and no discussion. Wtf?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update. We're new in the neighbourhood and hope to get to meet our neighbours soon.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Palermo!

Anonymous said...

The board is a work!

Anonymous said...

HOAs are all about the homeowners. Some owners get involved in the operations, some do not. Having served as treasurer of an HOA for 3 years, I can tell you that the work is very demanding. Coordination between the management company, vendors and homeowners is a FULL-TIME job, and there is no direct compensation. Palermo's owners and the board should be commended for their involvement in the affairs of the complex and for their patience during what has been a very uncertain future. One word of caution, do not let negativity and haggles over small matters divide your common goal which is the maintenance and hopeful continuation of the development. If as a homeowner, you think you can lead on the board--run for office--serve, and I think you'll see the HOA's operations in a completely different perspective. If I had my druthers, I would like it to be kinda required that ALL homeowners (unless incapacitated in some way)serve some time on the board. Training is available and the experience is absolutely eye-opening. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

if you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk

Anonymous said...

I agree with July 27 at 10:48. Everyone should have to serve. Running an HOA board in these times and especially with the developer leaving the HOA high and dry like Enterprise did is NO bowl of Lucky Charms. If you really want to see what could happen, go check out Colony Cove on 111 N. on the way into town. You may not agree with the HOA Board, and they likely do not agree among themselves, but you have to give them KUDOS and RESPECT for stepping up and getting involved rather than beating them down as though there is some major conspiracy going on. It would be nice if someone said thank you to them and showed some appreciation every once in awhile. Don't let you frustration with Enterprise and the economy be taken out on people who are volunteering their time to create a better place to live. And no, I am not a member of the HOA Board!

Anonymous said...

to 1005, why not run yourself then? rather than tell everyone else they should! LOL.

Anonymous said...

I shouldn't write on this because we stopped going to the HOA meeting after how the meetings were going in 2010 and how they didn't want to even hear it seemed from owners and that "secret" meeting on raising the HOA dues, made me just turned off.