Saturday, July 16, 2011

Repainting and backyard access

Positively Palermo received this e-mail: "The rust color paint is still not done in some back yards (example: all yards on the west side of Penny Lane). We just talked to DW Johnson this morning and according to them the HOA has made access to the yards too difficult to finish. Why is this??? The painting started almost a year ago. In addition, all the dark colors, even the yellow have faded terribly. We have pictures of when the complex was done to prove this. The paint was guaranteed for 10 years. Why hasn't the HOA taken advantage of the warranty for all the faded colors. Before we know it the warranty will be over and it will be too late. Penny, Please post this." A later e-mail we received indicated that the HOA was not the problem regarding the access issue. So what's going on? Miss Penny Lane says: She applies makeup everyday because of what the desert conditions do to her skin so why shouldn't Palermo get a fresh as well?


Anonymous said...

A repaint of parts would be nice. Let's get it done.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the fading was blamed on the developer who did not measure PH properly, so the paint warranty may not hold up. Brandi would know the current status of this though.