Thursday, November 3, 2011

Trees outside the Palermo models are trimmed, some are removed

After complaints here, the trees near the models that hadn't been trimmed and had branches touching the top of cars when they went down the road have been trimmed. It looks like some of trees also have been taken out. It is unknown if the city approved this, as Palermo's landscape plan is still under the city's planning department control in terms of multiple removal of plants without replacements, as it goes against the city-approved landscaping plan. Above, the before and after. Miss Penny Lane says: She didn't mind the long branches because they scrapped the dirt off her car.


Anonymous said...

I think it could be time for the HOA to address the care of this area because there seem to have been some problems with some neglect?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The trees could have been trimmed way back and then maintained rather than removing them. Trees grow right?

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of bozos. Pull the tree because it needs trimming, thats like taking the tires off the car to fix the breaks.