Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Meeting report anyone?

Positively Palermo received this e-mail request: "Did anyone go to the HOA meeting last night? Anyone have a report on what happened? Anything?" Miss Penny Lane says: Good questions!


Anonymous said...

I called in on the conference call and heard some excuses from DRM (Brandi) about the security patrol, the break in's - resident's spoke of the recent break in's and lack of light on the back side of quiet side. I also heard her talk about the pool man, and the sloppy paint jobs. I couldn't bare to stand the lack of her knowledge and excuses and hung up.

Anonymous said...

The board finally appointed members to committees (landscaping and architecture) after two years of saying there was no out there. Now suddenly we have full committees of owners. I'm glad about that.

Anonymous said...

There also was some interesting talk about buyers looking into buying the 34 units and land and developing it according to plan with the dog park, pools, tennis courts and in the same style.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone elaborate on what was said about the pool man? I know what the main issues surrounding the pool have been... But are there specific issues regarding the quality of service provided by the pool man?

Anonymous said...

From what I understood at the meeting, they are going to put the pool man on probation to see if he will shape up. Did anyone else hear this another way?

Anonymous said...

Also from the meeting it was noted that some of the furniture is missing from the rec room.

Anonymous said...

The board also talked about the problems with the security company. In my opinion, we do not need a security company. They just drive thru and do nothing. They have not caught anyone doing anything. The cars have been broken into, rec room furniture stolen etc so what are we paying these people to do? Another thing I heard at the meeting is we are still going in the hole every month with our expenses being more than our HOA dues and nothing going into the reserve fund. Wasn't that what the big increase was covering? It appears that is not happening and we will see another larger increase the end of this year unless the board figures out how to quit spending our money. One suggestion was to have a financial committee and there were several homeowners who volunteered for it but it was not a good idea according to the board. One suggestion I heard after the meeting would be to close down the rec center. People go in there and turn the air conditioning way down and then leave. Why should we all have to pay for that? If you had a choice of having your HOA bill go up again by another $100. or so or closing the rec room, which would you choose?

Anonymous said...

Agreed with 1:37. I was at the meeting also. There was a lot of discussion about how long it takes the security company to drive out from wherever they are in case someone is stealing something from the rec room etc, but why wouldn't we just call the police? Last time I checked I was paying property taxes. Brandi thought it was a problem that the current security company is not visible to residents because they make 3 drive bys per 24 hour period, and only at night. She proposed switching to one that made 2 but at random times. The point is not necessarily to be visible to residents though, I would say if you are going to have 2 drive bys they might as well be at night, but it would be better just to scrap it and pay someone to maintain the video. Maybe someone living here could do it.

Anonymous said...

To 5:16, the maintaining the video by someone living here is brilliant. Maybe we could have a group of us do it basically have different days of responsibility so one person doesn't have all the burden of time doing this. I'm in, great idea! I also agree that the police should be called anyway. We spend $750. per month for our security company and it's a waste of money. Lets get rid of them and see how things go.

Anonymous said...

We need security to be able to call when their are problems that don't merit using the city police. The police have enough to do. To not hire a security company would be pretty bad and lead to complaints about "no security." People would be screaming as soon as something happened and there was no security company under contract.

Anonymous said...

Overall, I thought the meeting was better than the dreary ones in 2010, like there's a change. I don't think there's stuff missing from the clubhouse - what was talked about was gone a long time ago before the cameras.

Anonymous said...

@7:51, what is an example of a security issue that doesn't merit using city police? The only thing I can think of is maybe a loud party, but if it is loud enough police should still be called. I too would be willing to help monitor video. Anyone else interested should email Brandi and tell her.

Anonymous said...

Closing the rec room? What next, closing the pool---ooh, yeah, they already did that. Seriously, why should we sacrifice the few amenities that we DID get at Palermo? As far as the rec room, can't the A/C be locked so people can't change it? It would be a real shame to close it. Not only do I use the gym when I'm down there, but it's nice to see how groups of people are in there using it. It's a great venue for all of us to casually meet neighbors.

It's appalling that the small pool was allowed to get as bad as it did, and the pool person responsible should be let go, not just put on probation.

Regarding security, I think we should call police if we see someone breaking in, but we should also have a reliable security service for lesser infractions. That it takes so long for security to respond is ridiculous. And what are the odds that something is going to be happening during the 2 or 3 quick drive thrus each day?

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of this would be taken care of with a neighborhood watch. It would solve if not help the situation. We were starting one up, does anyone know what happen to that

Anonymous said...

Neighborhood Watch should be restarted. The problem I have is where is the money going? It's not being put into reserves as the board 2010 said would happen if they raised HOA dues. What is being done so the bleeding stops? Brandi said just a handful of owners aren't paying dues so that IS NOT the reason for the shortfalls. They said at the meeting that items are OVER budget so that has nothing to do with revenue coming in - we are over budget. Did the old board plan properly in the budget process in terms of expenses? You also should plan that so units won't pay HOA fees and make a budget that is realistic on that score.

Anonymous said...

We are over planned budget on expenses. That is not a revenue problem.

Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone, this is Perry. I was the one that was going to start the neighborhood watch but I could not get anyone to get involved. I tried everthing I could think of including posting here and going door to door in 100 degree heat on my day off. I am willing to give it anohter go but I will need some support. If you are willing to get involved please email me at pstamas@live.com or write something here. The NWP would solve a lot of these issues of monies out for security. NWP could do what the security company does for the most part. The security company is supposed to be a visual deterent but if they are doing rounds that no one sees, that is not much of a deterent. Posted NWP sighs, pople with an open eye and knowing your suroundings will help in an epic way.

Anonymous said...

I think people who know the neighborhood would be BETTER than a security patrol.

Anonymous said...

I think it will take a three prong approach for security: A Neighborhood Watch, police and a security company we can call and gets here quickly. While laudable to think we could save money and not have a security company, it is unworkable. At the first security problem there would be cries about the HOA not providing a security company. It would be irresponsible on the board's part to cut security out. I bought here with the understanding that would have security - a necessary protection given the size of this complex and its location.

Anonymous said...

The security company has never been here to protect our interests or locate any criminals so we are basically getting nothing for it and no one is happy with the current company. To get another company, we have to pay more and that could mean our HOA dues could be going up again. We have to stop this spending and take action on our own. I'm sure a lot of us bought here with the understanding there would be security but at what cost to us. We need to start cutting costs and where do we cut? The rec room is one area as there is a hugh expense to maintain this building. Also, the spas and pools. We need to get serious about this or we will be seeing hugh assessments to cover the expenses. Our reserves are way under funded and that is not improving. There are maintenance items that will be coming up in the next few years that will need to be addressed. With inadequate reserves, that means special assessments. I personally do not want to have an assessment. Palermo HOA dues have already been increased twice since I bought here. I think we need to tighten our belts and if at some time a new investor buys and finishes the project, the new owners HOA dues will help fray the cost. For now, we are just bleeding money and there is no end in sight.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how DRM blames homeowners. The pool problem is because they hired someone who does do their job. Security? Problems are because the property manager failed to hire sufficient coverage. Please, homeowners, start participating in the well-being of Palermo. DRM has blamed others for their shortcomings. The bacteria filled spa is because the management company DRM manage the property. Bad security is because DRM did not use our HOA fees to provide good security. It's not the renter's fault or the homeowner's fault...it's DRM. PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

It's crazy to say we don't need a security to call. I demand the hoa provide this service. Sue if they don't.

Anonymous said...

The illogic that we don't like the present security company means we don't need a better one makes no sense. We need to improve not step back because of the location and size of this development.

Anonymous said...

It's all about the economy. If you sue the HOA you are suing yourself.

Anonymous said...

I also got the impression DRM is not sticking up for us. The paint is fading and it has a 10 year warranty. It is going to be very expensive to paint it, why do we have to do it with HOA money when there is a warranty?

Anonymous said...

@9:52, knowing about economics, do you know what a negative externality is?

Anonymous said...

Another thing that was brought by a homeowner was that one of these short-term rentals had a huge loud party during Coachella. A good security company could stop that without the police having to come. These illegal weekly / weekend rentals are a drain. We can't even get them to shut the pool gates and they are propping them open with rocks, letting anyone walk off with equipment. Now at the meeting they said we have to pay $450 to fix the front pool gate - the same one by kept open by rocks, which helped to weaken it.

Anonymous said...

About the noise, Palm Springs has a 24 hour Noise Complaint Line: 760-327-1445. Has anyone used it? Does it work? Seems like that might help address noise problems when they arise.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the number!

Anonymous said...

@2:42 - I think it was the back pool gate that was propped open by rocks. I don't really see how that would "weaken" it though anyway. As usual you want to blame short term renters for all of the HOA's problems, and as usual your arguments are about as weak as the front pool gate.

Anonymous said...

Also, I was at the meeting, and the issue you describe was never brought up by anyone there or over the phone.

Anonymous said...

The load party by "visiting" short term renters during Coachella made a bunch of police cars to show up. Someone who lives on Enterprise brought it up.

Anonymous said...

It was brought up and there was a party where police had to be called to shut it down at a townehome that was renting it short term