Monday, April 4, 2011

Propping open the locked pool gates

Positively Palermo received this e-mail request: "Miss Penny, Please relay to the owners doing short-term rentals, i.e. weekly and weekend, that they should tell their renters the rules. That the least they could do for the rest of us if they are breaking the CC and R's. The family with kids staying at 2?8 Sandy Point propped open the main pool gate with a rock and then just decided to leave the gate wide open when they exited the pool area. There's a lock on the gate for a reason, right?" Miss Penny Lane says: Thank you for the concern.


Anonymous said...

hi Penny

Anonymous said...

This kind of behavior will definitely affect property values.

Anonymous said...

Hasn't this been hashed out (ad infinitum) in previous blog entries? Short term owners: please make renters sign the list of Assn. rules. The rest of us, kindly tell any guest of the proper behavior if they are breaking rules. There.
All of this bickering makes us seem like a community of paranoid, nitpicking whiners to anyone reading this blog and considering buying here.

Anonymous said...

Keep the gate shut and locked please. It's a safety matter for children and is required by the law. Please don't endanger the young ones.

Anonymous said...

Even people that have read the rules and live here full-time are forgetful on occasion. Have a little sympathy, and kindly remind the rentors when you see the incident occur.

I think enough is said on this topic.

Anonymous said...

It would be great if enough was said but the truth is that owners renting to weekly people are hurting the community. There were more of them breaking rules this past weekend. I agree that the Sandy Point one seems to be a source of the problems. There still are weekenders even though the new owner supposedly changed his online ad to monthly only he didn't cancel all the weekend/weekly reservations made it seems.

Anonymous said...

I think 1:20 is right unless somebody's guests have caused specific monetary damage to the community. It's time to bury this thread. Arguing over a pool gate being closed is just plain silly.

Anonymous said...

I love how someone wants residents to stop pointing out the problems caused by short term renters - the 12:16 post probably is the Sandy Point owner doing short terms. It's not silly to be worried about leaving the pool areas unlocked not just because of liability of kids getting in (the law says they must be locked) but because of outsiders using the pool (a problem in the past) and protection of pool, spa equipment and furniture. These short term renters from Sandy Point left the gates open AFTER they were even gone and not in the pool area. Just disrespectful. My advice for the owner allowing this is to education his tenants and NOT to rent to weekly/weekenders in the first place as it is in CCR violation and you need a city permit (a misdeameanor if you don't have one by the way). Saying concerns are "silly" is just another to deflect from the violations/illegal renting. Sorry, guy, but us at Palermo see through that.

Anonymous said...

to the last post at 5:17. All the person said was to give it a rest. If I did not know so many people here sometimes you would think it was a bunch of kackling old women sometimes. There is a difference in voicing ones opinion and beating a dead horse. Yes sometimes people break rules..its life. Sometimes you would think the sky is falling. Every violation of the rules does not need a tar and feather approach and sometimes the rules getting broke is not a big deal. Rules are broke every day every where and there are degrees of severity. Here one would think everthing is a capitol offence. Like the post said, chill out

Anonymous said...

To 8:16, it is really sad that these rule-breaking owners who live elsewhere want to attack full-time residents and try to deflect attention by deriding residents who are concerned. But like the other post said, we who live here at Palermo aren't going to be told to shut up and let these people direct the conversation. It is amazing that anyone would defend weekenders here illegally breaking the rules. Let us not forget the stuff that has been stolen from the clubhouse/pool, so leaving the gate open after you are even gone is totally unacceptable and the only persons who would defend it are the ones doing it or the ons renting out in violation of the CCRs and city law. Would you leave the door to your house open and unattended? No. We who live here full time feel the same way about out community areas but weekenders don't care because they will be gone. The owners doing the illegal renters need to chill out and stop disrespecting the rest of us, and please stop telling residents that their concerns are silly because they interfere people here in violation of the HOA rules and city regulations.

Anonymous said...

Concur with the above - absentee owners illegally renting telling residents how they should feel or think about safety. I bet if "anything goes" absentee owners would be the first to complaint if the front gate was left open and their house was broken into, so please remember we live here and are helping you absentee owners by watching over this community.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 10:25 and 12:37 posts. We owner occupied residents are watching out for everyone. We do not want on need the additional expense/liability of missing equipment or some one drowning in the pool.
Since we are here full time this is a great venue to let everyone know of the problems in our community and vent our frustration.

Anonymous said...

@1:41: Thank you for "watching out for everyone". But I agree with several of the comments on here that our community does not need to be a police state - My parents stayed at my home a few weeks ago and they were questioned by a "good neighbor" as if they were criminals... my father is 81 years old! Thank you for your concern but please use some common sense and quit with the witch hunts.

Anonymous said...

Just saw this thread and thought I would chime in - if keeping the pool gates locked is that important, maybe we should have bigger signs on them? I live here and use the pool a lot, but for all I know I have left the gate unlocked once or twice. Also, I agree with 1:41 that this is a good venue, but maybe you folks should go to the next meeting and air this stuff out in person - that is what the meetings are for.

Anonymous said...

I am the person who posted at 1:41 and I have been to every HOA meeting since I move to Palermo. Why you ask, because I care about the community. In order for us to keep this a safe community, we have to be diligent in our neighborhood watch efforts. I don't know how 5:00 has left the gate unlocked as it self locks. Maybe it hasn't always been that way but the gates have been self locking since I moved in.

Anonymous said...

The gates don't always self-lock, especially the back pool and the short-term renters use big rocks to keep the gates open, creating safety and liability concerns. No one wants the HOA to be sued if a child wanders in. The law requires locks and it this the short-termers just up and left the pool gate open and went "home" to Sandy Point. I hardly call telling people the rules a police state. Please. Such words are just the tactics of illegal short term rental owners trying to switch the focus away from them breaking the CC and Rs and city rules. No one is falling for that.

Anonymous said...

amen to 2:03PM

Anonymous said...

I think a much bigger threat to small children aimlessly wandering around is being hit by a car. There are quite a few "sportsters" at Palermo (we all know who you are) who drive through at speeds up to 15-20 mph. Time to slow it down. Those of us with children and dogs would appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

To 3:43, it's not either - or. Jeez. That's strange logic (illogic). Why anyone would defend creating a safety and legal problem, and endanger our HOA equipment/furniture is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Take the boxing gloves off, everyone.

Anonymous said...

Please take off the boxing gloves and shut the pool gates.