Thursday, April 21, 2011

Trash cans rolling down the streets

Positively Palermo has received this e-mail: "Hello everyone this is Perry.Yesterday I found 4 garbage cans flying around due to the wind. I brought them all back where they belonged.Two of them had addresses so it was easy to bring them back but the other ones did not and took some investigation to figure out where they belonged. I think it would be a good idea for everyone to put their address on the lid and can so that if the winds take them people can get them back to you." Miss Penny Lane says: Thank you for the idea and the community spirit.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know. We will put our number on the cans.

Anonymous said...

This is definitely a hazard as they can dent cars. Should people be fined by the HOA if they do not bring their cans in after pickup?

Palermo Peep said...

I wonder if the denting has happened as I saw a guy on Penny Lane moving a can and inspecting his car. He didn't look happy. There were alot of can rolling all over the place yesterday. But good idea about the address but also put it on the brown lids, as they fly off because the trash guys don't put them back on tightly.

Anonymous said...

Good ideas.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the garbage cans could dent a car but you never know when some freak thing will happen. As to the 11:42 comment, People for the most part are at work when the garbage gets picked up so they cant be here to put them back in the garage.