Friday, September 23, 2011

Why the lights went out

The electric company is blaming the heat for yesterday's power outage, even though it wasn't that hot compared to the previous week. The paper reports: "Late-summer heat and underground equipment were blamed for a Thursday night power outage in northern Palm Springs that continued into Friday afternoon for some. An underground cable at San Rafael Road and Los Felices Circle failed, cutting power to 1,848 Southern California Edison customers. The utility’s website listed 'extreme heat' as the cause of the outage. It began at 6:18 p.m. Thursday, when temperatures in Palm Springs were still right around the century mark. Customers were brought back online over the course of Thursday night and Friday morning, and everyone had power back by 12:28 p.m. Friday." Miss Penny Lane says: She love Palermo in the dark by moon.

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