Monday, October 24, 2011

DRM MIA on gym electrical problem?

Positively Palermo received this e-mail: "Miss Penney, For those of us who use the workout facility, it is no secret that we have an electrical problem that has escalated into a fire hazard. For some months the electrical outlets surrounding the cardio equipment have been broken. In addition, the electrical plugs on the cardio equipment are missing the ground prong as they have broken off and can be found in the electrical outlets on the floor causing the outlets to trip the circuits. This has caused the fuses on the equipment to blow which renders the equipment unusable. People have tried to circumvent the fuses with aluminum foil which is an extreme fire hazard and it doesn't work! I, and other residents, have written Brandi about this (months ago), but nothing has been done. Now with virtually all of the electrical recepticles broken, it is not just an inconvenience, but a fire hazard. Can you help us get the word out in hopes that someone will finally address the issue? And, as always, thanks for all you do for Palermo." Miss Penny Lane says: Her only work out these days is raising her Cosmos glass.


Anonymous said...

What is taking so long?

JBK said...

Besides "what is taking so long" (which I totally agree with), why the heck are people breaking our equipment?

Anonymous said...

Is "People have tried to circumvent the fuses with aluminum foil" true? If so, this is nuts. Are those same people doing similar things in their homes and could burn the whole of Palermo down?

Anonymous said...

5:40 you're missing the point. Let's not get into a blame-blame situation and just get the problem taken care of. It appears that the resident has done what they were supposed to do by notifying the proper authorities... why hasn't it been taken care of? This has been allowed to go on for months?

Anonymous said...

That's crazy, man.

Anonymous said...

I contacted Brandi. She responded that the problem was reported to her on Oct 14 - handyman came out and found the breakers were off. Yesterday she was informed the breakers had blown again - she's requested an electrician come out to inspect and fix the problem.

Anonymous said...

to 9:26 am, I don't think I am missing the point. Sure, DRM needs to take care of the problem but DRM can only do that if/when we as Palermo residents tell them. DRM does not monitor this blog - and for good reason - people here just keep slamming them. If there's a problem, a polite and timely email to DRM works. If the original blog posting above is accurate, and people really are using aluminum foil, etc., that is totally crazy and endangers all of us. Why would anyone do that when a simple, polite email to DRM can get the problem fixed????

Anonymous said...

I agree with poster 4:58pm, everytime I've contacted Brandi by email, she responds immediately by email, takes the issue and gets action. Perhaps, the protocol for common area problems should be: If you, John Q. Resident, see something amiss, CONTACT DRM--BRANDI SCOTT. Don't post it to the blog, UNLESS, you get now response and no action. Posting to the blog only gets everyone riled-up and they start complaining about DRM not being responsive. In this case, Brandi did take action and as it turns-out, the problem is a bit more complicated and will require further action and follow-up. Actually, it would be nice if DRM did participate in the blog and that way, they could communicate to the entire community regarding whether or not a maintenance issue has been received, the action taken and whether or not it was resolved.

Anonymous said...

According to them, they contacted DRM and nothing happened so they had to cintact the blog. I doubt anyone can say with a straight face that B doesn't read our comments here.

Anonymous said...

To 8:16 Oh come on - "according to them..." - who is "them"? They contacted DRM and nothing happened? Who did they contact, when did they do it, why are you posting on their behalf?

Anonymous said...

Them, is the people who wrote to Penny, doubt a--.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:30pm, charming. The point of my comment was that people on this blog complain about things not working, but there never seems to be any details about whether vor not they reported the problem to DRM, the response, etc. It would be much more productive if we documented the issues, documented when DRM was informed, reported back on the DRM response, and so on. With that type of factual information we are much better informed, and perhaps we can figure out how to improve the system for resolving problems in the community.

Anonymous said...

follow on from my previous post...

Is there any form of tracking system that records issues reported to DRM, date of report, when/how it was fixed, etc. ?

Seems to me that would be a more appropriate and efficient way of getting things resolved?