Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Broken spa timer is burning up HOA money?

Sorry for the delay in getting this one posted but Positively Palermo was on a mini-holday away from the triple digits. Here is an e-mail received while away: "Miss Penney, Would you mind passing on a suggestion to the Board as they are meeting tomorrow? Instead of hearing about the rising cost of running the pools and how we cannot afford this to continue ... it would be a lot more cost effective to replace the timer on the spa at the clubhouse than to let it run incessantly. Many of the residents are not aware that it is broken, so they do not think to turn it off when they are finished. There are times that the spa has run all night. Thanks." Miss Penny Lane says: She's resolved to use the main pool more often this summer, but sitting in a 100-degree spa in 115-degree weather isn't her cup of tea.


Anonymous said...

Just a note on the dog poop. It is not in the landscapers contract to pick up poop. Please pick up your dogs poop. If you see some with a dog not picking up the poop, report it to DRM. DRM will need the unit number the dog lives in so they can send a notice of violation. Another suggestion would be for all the dog owners to start a committee that goes around on a regular basis and picks up the poop. I am not a dog owner however, I do pick up the poop in the area of my unit as it tends to stink. Please be responsible for your dogs.

Anonymous said...

Actually the gardener guys supposed to pick up the poop.

Anonymous said...

To 6:19, the contract the for the gardner does NOT include picking up poop.

To 9:42 you are correct and I think you have a good idea about the poop committee.

All dog owners need to take responsibility for their animals and stop being so lazy. The HOA provides the bags and the trash can so use it! PLEASE

Anonymous said...

I know that dog owners should pick it up but what if they don't, does it just sit there forever? I am an Owner on Penny Lane and was told it is the landscaper's job but he says he can't keep up with it all. But now I am wondering after reading this is he is just confused?????? Whatever, make him do it or fire him. Enough poop!