Friday, December 2, 2011

Leaning tree on Melody Lane

Positively Palermo has received a report that a tree in front on 3641 Melody Lane has been compromised by the wind. It is leaning at quite an angle and some roots are coming out of the ground. One resident wants to know why the landscaping company hasn't taken better care of all the trees in general, and why has trimming the bigger trees been delayed so long? It typically occurs earlier in the year. Miss Penny Lane says: She's thinks her limbs also might be ready to crack with her advancing age.


Anonymous said...

It is leaning all right. Anyone give a shout out to Brandi about it yet?

Anonymous said...

Nope no one has called Brandi because I just called the DRM office and no reports. I am surprised with all the complaining there is a lack of reporting. How do we fix this? I asked the DRM service desk to do a work order but they said they doubt the landscaper can get out tonight. Let’s cross our fingers for Monday.

Anonymous said...

I contacted Brandi about the tree a few hours ago. She assured me that she would send out the landscaper ASAP.

Anonymous said...

They "trimmed" it - actually really chopped it up.

Anonymous said...

So DRM was called and the desk said they were not, or am I not reading the above right?

Anonymous said...

When you say that the landscaper has now "trimmed" the tree or "really chopped it up", does that mean the tree is no longer leaning and the roots are no longer exposed? Has the problem been dealt with?