Sunday, December 11, 2011

Re-start the Neighborhood Watch idea?

You may have seen this reader posting: "As far as the security concern here I had tried to start up a Neighborhood watch some time ago. I was doing fine except the most of the ones that had shown an interest were the people that had not lived here. I think people were just leery and very busy at the time. Anyway the point is, does anyone here think we should get the watch started again?" What do you think? Miss Penny Lane says: She feels very secure because of the beefy guy who lives near her.


Anonymous said...

I think there are a lot of expectations that the new HOA board will be more open to get behind things like this with real action, not just lip service like now. I say bring it to the new board in January.

Anonymous said...

Why should we have a neighborhood watch when we are paying so much for security ????

Tia Coco said...

I would love to join the watch, my husband and I walk 3 miles in Palermo every night.

Anonymous said...

Because security is here three times day and we are here all the time, because we should come together with a sense of community to look after each other, because outside our community there are problems, because we all should get to know each other and other neighbors we can rely on, because if there's a natural or other disaster, we will have a system in place to communicate and talk and bond together. Nuf said.

Anonymous said...

Well said, 2:30

Anonymous said...

Timely idea. I see that one of the board candidates has experience in public safety (police dispatching and fire). Neighborhood watch goes hand in hand with disaster preparedness.

Anonymous said...

I think neighborhood watch is a great idea. Why do we have to wait for the Board to do it?