Monday, May 16, 2011

Question about pool service

Positively Palermo received this e-mail: "Penny, Do we have a new pool service? Someone different has been cleaning the pools. Did the HOA fire the old one and we get a new guy after the spa fiasco?" Miss Penny Lane says: She could use a nice soaking in a spa but she never gets an invitation.


Anonymous said...

Is he gone?

Anonymous said...

The front pool was filthy over the weekend

Anonymous said...

I think Miguel is gone.

Anonymous said...

The pool maintenance should be addressed by the board of directors. While we all can appreciate that the location of the pools invites debris from the wild winds of north Palm Springs, still the water quality has always been a matter of concern for me as a swimmer and daily user. The water isn't regularly tested and it should always be crystal clear, not cloudy, not dingy, not slimy. In order to keep water crystal clear, the chemicals must be balanced and dropping a chlorine tablet into the filter DOES NOT CUT IT! Pool maintenance is a real headache and expensive. Owners will need to decide if they want to spare no expense is keeping the pools and spas healthy and available as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

It seems that the pools/spas are just to expensive and they should be closed. If you look at the HOA's financials, we are so far in the hole right now that each unit would need to come up with around $4000. just to bring our reserves up to where they should be AND we will need to increase the HOA dues by another $50 per month just to meet the current expenditures.

Anonymous said...

Interesting thought about closing the pools but what about closing the clubhouse and gym?? DRM has said they are a cause of the budget shortfalls because they came online before all the other construction phases. And the short-term renters and some other renters are trashing them. A fee on all short term and maybe ALL rentals is in order.

Anonymous said...

After reviewing our financials, I agree with both 1;14 AND 12:42. We need to close everything and try and get a hold of our expenses. Money is just fly out the door faster than it is coming in. We are going under every month and this is a real financial crisis.

Anonymous said...

No potential investors would take a serious look at Palermo if it appeared to be a ghost town. Please go study a little more before you make sweeping statements like shutting down the pools. Palermo must continue to be a lively community in order to stay healthy for the future! DRM is inept and can only ever come up with scare tactics which seem to work on the less informed. Wag the dog...evil doers...oh, weapons of mass destruction...yellow tape all the pools, close house and gym...right. Do you think anyone would invest in that? REALLY?

Anonymous said...

To 6:56, apparently you haven't looked at the current financial report. I'm sure potential investors will not look at Palermo if the HOA dues were $500. a month. This is where we are headed if we don't cut cost now. I too like using the pools and club house but there is a cost to these amenities. Please come up with a way to cut expenses and post the info here. We can not continue to spend more money every month than what we take in. You must have voted for Obama.

Anonymous said...

Closing the back pool is a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Closing the clubhouse makes senses because we are spending so much on it and because the renters are being hard on it.

Anonymous said...

Each to his own political views and always. HOWEVER, what do "renters" and "Obama" have to do with the solvency and efficiency of Palermo Palm Springs financials? Renters have property owners who pay HOA fees just like all of the resident owners. Those paid HOA fees by property owners who choose to rent or lease their property, entitle their tenants to use all of the facilities without any additional surcharge, tax or recriminations from resident homeowners lookin' for a scapegoat! And with regards to Obama, he is the best president of the U.S. ever! His bold moves to reform healthcare, finance, education, energy policy, et al, is saving..SAVING Americans billions each month. It is going to take some time, but we are on the right path. Palermo HOA--the owners along with the Bd of Directors, needs to have the same courage Obama has had in recognizing that reform is needed--no matter how politically unsettling or polarizing it may be. The economy IS improving, but it will take time. Maybe for a little while, the pools (or 1 pool and spa), is closed to cut cost. The other outlying issue is, of course, the disposition of the "auction/foreclosed" units. If the owner/owners of these units bring new dedication, resolve and interest in further development of Palermo (and I believe they will), the temporary financial crisis may be helped. But for now, may all owners, DRM and anyone who loves this development, take their heads out of the sand and face the reality that cuts are needed...not forever, but certainly for now.

Anonymous said...

The problem the that renters, especially is the weekly short-termers, is they don't treat the facilities with the same care in general and that is why a rental fee is in order.

Anonymous said...

BTW, the back spa looks great, really clear. So did they fire the pool guy or not?

Anonymous said...

Do you want to drain the back pool and spa and lock up the area?

Anonymous said...

The back pool is never used by anyone. Shut it.

Anonymous said...

Another vote here to keep the back pool and spa cold, to save the HOA cash.