Thursday, September 23, 2010

HOA meeting is this Monday. You can call in, too.

The Palermo HOA board will have a meeting at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 27 in the community clubhouse. There's a call-in number: (800) 423-1988 if you can't attend in person. You need the pass code 1485728. Miss Penny Lane says: Thank you for continuing to have a call-in option for those owners outside of Palm Springs.


Anonymous said...

Agenda again has those insulting rules regarding homeowner comment. Forget it, I'm staying home.

Anonymous said...

Hello, this is Perry. Please don't stay home. I have been to the meetings and they do let everyone speak their mind and I have not seen them stop anyone from talking. Besides, the community needs you to be a part of the Neighborhood watch. Being mad at them and not going will hurt all of us.

Anonymous said...

We never needed these "rules" when Enterprise was in charge, only after three non-resident owners took over and haven't appointed any more board members for TWO LONG MONTHS.

Anonymous said...

I could be miss understanding but as far as I know they have been asking for more board members but only one that I am aware of showed any interest at all and I am not sure that truned into anything.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine volunteered for the board and they blew him off.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone attend? Everyone I know stayed home, for various reasons.

Anonymous said...

I attended and they brought in the lawyer who represents the HOA. It was very informative. They talked about the board positions. 4:42, in reality they talked about the fact that only one person has expressed interest, but they need 1 more so it is not an even number. One other person has shown interest but the owner wants to appoint a proxy that lives on-site and they are trying to determine if/how this will work based on by laws.

Anonymous said...

Miss Penny Lane for HOA Board! Rather than hide behind your anonymous website, why don't you really make a difference and step out of the shadows?

Anonymous said...

This community is the biggest bunch of babies I have ever seen. You all cry and complain about everything yet you do nothing except nit-pick and everything and everyone. No wonder no one wants to come and live here either by purchasing or renting. And as a matter of fact when ANYONE visits one of the condos here and happens to ask me how Palermo is ........ and this happens often ....... I tell them that everyone that lives here are the biggest cry babies and complainers in the world. The HOA, the residents that own here are just the worst and I also tell anyone all over the valley when they ask about here.
Get a life you idiots ............. this is the worst place anyone could ever live because of all you idiot complaining babies.
I can promise you that I will continue to tell everyone to NOT move here if I can.

Anonymous said...

That is so bogus about not wanting 4 (an even number on the board.) A tie vote just means it didn't pass. Just another way for the Group of 3 to keep power.

Anonymous said...

There was NOTHING on the agenda about a lawyer coming. Why was this left off?

Anonymous said...

Not everyone needs to be on the board, that would mean the board would 117 people on it. Everyone can make their own unique contribution. Penny Lane is doing her part. In fact, she's done more than anyone to bring this community together. She's our cheerleader, historian and watchdog. From my vantage point, much of what the board or DRM has done is because it started right here - cameras, security, getting a lawyer to look out for our interests in terms of Enterprise, and it goes on and on. The improvements wouldn't have happened otherwise. We'd be forgotten about. But now we have this place to go. I do agree with "11:10 a.m. poster" that the board needs someone who knows at least something about communications. That's a big hole on the board.

Anonymous said...

So the board asks for people to be on the board, someone volunteers, and then the board says, no no, we need TWO owners to volunteer before we can appoint anyone. Really lame. Do I see the beginning of a credibility problem?

Anonymous said...

From what I understand a small group of full-time homeowners, along with some vacation owners they know, are hoping to get enough votes to take over the 2 board seats up in January (one is vacant right now and one is held by a current broad member - not sure which) with their slate of candidates, and assuming the board doesn't appoint anyone to the seat that isn't up to Jan. 2012, they'd try to get that one too, for three total and control. They decide to skip a recall because the regular election is just a few months away and don't want to cause drama like that. They want to get rid of DRM because 2 board had already promised to do that and didn't, eliminate the waste and lower fees. January will be interesting around here.

Anonymous said...

A Prayer for Palermo: Dear Lord (and MPL), it seems many people on this site have a difference figuring out fiction and reality - it's like playing a very bad game of telephone: Insulting rules -- they let people speak at the beginning AND at the end now; never needed rules under Enterprise operating the HOA -- maybe this was because Enterprise was the developer where now it's just plain old homeowners trying to act in a legal and professional way with guidance from DRM; the lawyer was on the Executive Session and the HOA Board asked that he stay and answer questions for the homeowners; 2 additional board seats being bogus - and residents are waiting until January for coup to take control? PAH LEEEESE, what is this Central America?; Communication a problem -- meetings are posted, MPL posts, DRM sends out notices via email, Facebook page, NHW went door to door -- we could advertise in the Desert Sun, Palm Springs Life and KMIR and you would still complain. Wake up people, this is the most difficult economic time in our lifetimes. The developer is approaching default, many of our neighbors and friends are being foreclosed on and forced out. Prices are 50% of what they were. Do you really think the HOA boardmembers signed up for a volunteer job knowing that and are trying to ignore you or take control? This is not the high flying 90's - it's "the new reality." DRM is not perfect and at times frustrating, but they have been better under the newe HOA Board direction. And many of the issues were because of lack of Enterprise's vision as builders (gates, photocells for lights, security cameras, security company changes, etc). Do you think the Board wants to deal with Enterprise's default, a possible new owner and replacing DRM all at the same time? Please attend the HOA meetings and NHW meetings. Get involved. Take pride. And to 11:55, I am sorry you are so bitter and feel that way...when the College of the Desert opens across the street and the economy recovers, Palermo will be even better than it is now. No, it's not perfect, but it can be if we work together. And finally, thanks to MPL for all you do. AMEN!

Anonymous said...

To say the the management situation is getting better just prove the pint that there is a problem, and it's unacceptable for the board to require us to pay $241 a month to fund a problem - it's also just bad business sense. A new company could help us get through these uncertain times with more expertise.

Anonymous said...

Management is getting better? Sounds like a part-timer who doesn't know many neighbors. People are disappointed.

Anonymous said...

The Group of 3 (HOA board) are investors who aren't thinking for the long view? Interesting. So they are eating reserves and not worrying about the long range finances? Why? Because the bank account later on of the HOA doesn't matter? Why do they not put a full time homeowner on board? Scary.