Wednesday, September 22, 2010

They picketed in Chicago over 'promised amenities'

A Palermo resident found this 2008 article on the Internet about owners at another Enterprise development in Chicago claiming they also didn't receive their promised amenities. The article titled "Complaints inspire pickets. Developer says group uninformed" was in the Oct. 22, 2008 issue of the Chicago Journal. It read in part:

- "Owners of condominium units that cost anywhere from $365,000 to $625,000 aren't the most likely candidates to hoist protest signs and take to the streets. But a faction of residents from one Prairie District building did exactly that on Saturday. About a dozen residents of Museum Park Place, 1841 S. Calumet, gathered in front the Enterprise Development Company sales trailer near 13th and Indiana, carrying signs that said 'Buyer Beware' ..."
- "The residents claim Enterprise failed to include promised amenities ..."
- "Ron Shipka Jr., a principal at the firm, said most items on the punch list for individual units had been addressed. He said the firm provided advertised amenities. The picketers were 'just not informed,' he said, and unrepresentative of all the building's unit owners. 'We are working through all the construction issues in the building. We've been working diligently
for quite a bit of time with the association in place,' he said. 'I think if you speak to the association, you'll get a completely different story.' The president of the condo board, Phyllis Leon, did not return calls and e-mail asking for comment. Other board members could not be reached ..."
- "Disputes between condo unit owners and developers about alleged construction issues and turnover problems is an issue state lawmakers might address in a rewrite of the legislation that governs associations and developers. In the meantime, boards, residents and developers negotiate and sometimes fight it out in court ..."
- "Picketers were angry that installation of the pool was delayed. (Shipka said there were delays with the state agency that permits them, and that the pool is now open). Some were exercised about the building's lobby. A brochure advertising the building lists a 'professionally appointed lobby with custom designer interior' as part of the package. The lobby currently has light yellow walls and a gray carpet over gray tiled floor. Two light fixtures made of linked-glass chains dangle from the ceiling. (A picketer) said the lobby didn't reach the level of luxury he was expecting. 'You paid for it,' he said about the lobby. 'You might as well get it.' Shipka said Enterprise delivered what it promised for the lobby."

The best way to find the entire article is to go to Google, and then type in the words "shipka" and "complaints inspire pickets." You can then decide what you think for yourself. We have no idea about the merits of what the Chicago residents are claiming or how it was resolved. But the Chicago experience may be of interest as Palermo residents wonder about the amenities we still may be due, such as tennis courts and dog park. Miss Penny Lane says: Picket signs aren't her kind of accessories and would clash with her Betsey Johnson dresses. So you won't be seeing her carrying any unflattering placards out on Indian Canyon Drive.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to see Ms. Pen dress in Betsey Johnson on the picket line. Please please.

Anonymous said...

Miss Penny Lane for HOA Board! Rather than hide behind your anonymous website, why don't you really make a difference and step out of the shadows?

Anonymous said...

This community is the biggest bunch of babies I have ever seen. You all cry and complain about everything yet you do nothing except nit-pick and everything and everyone. No wonder no one wants to come and live here either by purchasing or renting. And as a matter of fact when ANYONE visits one of the condos here and happens to ask me how Palermo is ........ and this happens often ....... I tell them that everyone that lives here are the biggest cry babies and complainers in the world. The HOA, the residents that own here are just the worst and I also tell anyone all over the valley when they ask about here.
Get a life you idiots ............. this is the worst place anyone could ever live because of all you idiot complaining babies.
I can promise you that I will continue to tell everyone to NOT move here if I can.

Anonymous said...

veryone wants to rent here. The rentals are snapped up in days - that's why VPM is so desperate to keep this contract.