Friday, September 10, 2010

Lights out at the pool

Positively Palermo has received an e-mail from a resident concerned about the the timers on the pool lights and spa jets. The e-mail from said in part:

"From Quiet Side to Penny Lane: Sorry to complain, a rather common practice since living here (at Palermo, for one and a half years), for one thing and one thing only, which is that almost every day or once a week, other times for three or four days of each week, sometimes weeks at a time, and sometimes not for as long as 10 days, are the spa and pool lights at the smaller pool are not working when they should. Inevitably, it happens on a weekend (the most likely time I can use the pool or spa at night) and given a holiday weekend, then that’s like a guaranteed event. Last night (Friday of the Labor Day weekend) no pool or spa lights on at the smaller pool when I went there to use it a 9:40 p.m. And, as much as I have complained to everyone and I’m not alone, by now certainly someone should have a reason why this is happening again and again. As an outsider (in terms of not being an electrician, but nor am I unaware), the timer must be constantly breaking or clocking too fast or slow. Because like the pool and spa lights, this problem of equipment not working when the times are set for them to work, has happened several times with the spa jets operating during the pool and spa hours of operation. The jets for the spa are on a separate timer, since the timer is set to only operate certain hours the area is open for use and not be workable after closing etc. Well sometimes before closing the timer in the spa must have been off, since everything else worked but the jets ..."

Miss Penny Lane says: It wouldn't take much to fix this once and for all, and please do because if anyone is going au naturale in the pools and spas at night she must be able to view it.



From Quiet Side to Penny Lane:

Sorry to complain, a rather common practice since living here (at Palermo, for one and a half years), for one thing and one thing only, which is that almost every day or once a week, other times for three or four days of each week, sometimes weeks at a time, and sometimes not for as long as 10 days, are the spa and pool lights at the smaller pool are not working when they should. Inevitably, it happens on a weekend (the most likely time I can use the pool or spa at night) and given a holiday weekend, then that’s like a guaranteed event. Last night (Friday of the Labor Day weekend) no pool or spa lights on at the smaller pool when I went there to use it a 9:40pm. And, as much as I have complained to everyone and I’m not alone, by now certainly someone should have a reason why this is happening again and again.

As an outsider (in terms of not being an electrician, but nor am I unaware), the timer must be constantly breaking or clocking too fast or slow. Because like the pool and spa lights, this problem of equipment not working when the times are set for them to work, has happened several times with the spa jets operating during the pool and spa hours of operation. The jets for the spa are on a separate timer, since the timer is set to only operate certain hours the area is open for use and not be workable after closing etc. Well sometimes before closing the timer in the spa must have been off, since everything else worked but the jets.

Anyway, there seems to be no other explanation, other than a timer issue. And, another reason I feel that is the reason, is because often times (and I don’t know about last night) when the pool and spa lights don’t come on when they are suppose to, then they (in many cases) come on a half a dozen hours later like at 3am for their set duration, (that to me clearly illustrates a timer being off by X number of hours). Otherwise and highly unlikely can it be sabotage, because the light and switch/timer as I understand it are with the pool equipment area and that is locked off for public access.  If it’s a matter of buying a timer then why in Goodness sake hasn’t that happened. And in my opinion, if the pool man or maintenance people who merely check the setting each time they are there then that would be helpful. Hopefully this email to you (although it’s Saturday and who can you call?) will be attended to, I’ve run out of resources. Furthermore, could you please post this on your online blog for viewing by others?

For the first time in my life does the saying often heard not come true ... "The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Complaints weekly to management, the association, even your blog by me and others about the exact same problem continue but never does it get fixed and fixed for very long. So where is the grease? And, when are the lights going to work properly?


From Quiet Side to Penny Lane:

Sorry to complain, a rather common practice since living here (at Palermo, for one and a half years), for one thing and one thing only, which is that almost every day or once a week, other times for three or four days of each week, sometimes weeks at a time, and sometimes not for as long as 10 days, are the spa and pool lights at the smaller pool are not working when they should. Inevitably, it happens on a weekend (the most likely time I can use the pool or spa at night) and given a holiday weekend, then that’s like a guaranteed event. Last night (Friday of the Labor Day weekend) no pool or spa lights on at the smaller pool when I went there to use it a 9:40pm. And, as much as I have complained to everyone and I’m not alone, by now certainly someone should have a reason why this is happening again and again.

As an outsider (in terms of not being an electrician, but nor am I unaware), the timer must be constantly breaking or clocking too fast or slow. Because like the pool and spa lights, this problem of equipment not working when the times are set for them to work, has happened several times with the spa jets operating during the pool and spa hours of operation. The jets for the spa are on a separate timer, since the timer is set to only operate certain hours the area is open for use and not be workable after closing etc. Well sometimes before closing the timer in the spa must have been off, since everything else worked but the jets.

Anyway, there seems to be no other explanation, other than a timer issue. And, another reason I feel that is the reason, is because often times (and I don’t know about last night) when the pool and spa lights don’t come on when they are suppose to, then they (in many cases) come on a half a dozen hours later like at 3am for their set duration, (that to me clearly illustrates a timer being off by X number of hours). Otherwise and highly unlikely can it be sabotage, because the light and switch/timer as I understand it are with the pool equipment area and that is locked off for public access.  If it’s a matter of buying a timer then why in Goodness sake hasn’t that happened. And in my opinion, if the pool man or maintenance people who merely check the setting each time they are there then that would be helpful. Hopefully this email to you (although it’s Saturday and who can you call?) will be attended to, I’ve run out of resources. Furthermore, could you please post this on your online blog for viewing by others?

For the first time in my life does the saying often heard not come true ... "The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Complaints weekly to management, the association, even your blog by me and others about the exact same problem continue but never does it get fixed and fixed for very long. So where is the grease? And, when are the lights going to work properly?


From Quiet Side to Penny Lane:

Sorry to complain, a rather common practice since living here (at Palermo, for one and a half years), for one thing and one thing only, which is that almost every day or once a week, other times for three or four days of each week, sometimes weeks at a time, and sometimes not for as long as 10 days, are the spa and pool lights at the smaller pool are not working when they should. Inevitably, it happens on a weekend (the most likely time I can use the pool or spa at night) and given a holiday weekend, then that’s like a guaranteed event. Last night (Friday of the Labor Day weekend) no pool or spa lights on at the smaller pool when I went there to use it a 9:40pm. And, as much as I have complained to everyone and I’m not alone, by now certainly someone should have a reason why this is happening again and again.

As an outsider (in terms of not being an electrician, but nor am I unaware), the timer must be constantly breaking or clocking too fast or slow. Because like the pool and spa lights, this problem of equipment not working when the times are set for them to work, has happened several times with the spa jets operating during the pool and spa hours of operation. The jets for the spa are on a separate timer, since the timer is set to only operate certain hours the area is open for use and not be workable after closing etc. Well sometimes before closing the timer in the spa must have been off, since everything else worked but the jets.

Anyway, there seems to be no other explanation, other than a timer issue. And, another reason I feel that is the reason, is because often times (and I don’t know about last night) when the pool and spa lights don’t come on when they are suppose to, then they (in many cases) come on a half a dozen hours later like at 3am for their set duration, (that to me clearly illustrates a timer being off by X number of hours). Otherwise and highly unlikely can it be sabotage, because the light and switch/timer as I understand it are with the pool equipment area and that is locked off for public access.  If it’s a matter of buying a timer then why in Goodness sake hasn’t that happened. And in my opinion, if the pool man or maintenance people who merely check the setting each time they are there then that would be helpful. Hopefully this email to you (although it’s Saturday and who can you call?) will be attended to, I’ve run out of resources. Furthermore, could you please post this on your online blog for viewing by others?

For the first time in my life does the saying often heard not come true ... "The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Complaints weekly to management, the association, even your blog by me and others about the exact same problem continue but never does it get fixed and fixed for very long. So where is the grease? And, when are the lights going to work properly?

Anonymous said...

It's dark and the pool lights are NOT on. (Saturday night)

Anonymous said...

Wanted to use the pool tonite. Can't.

Anonymous said...

Pool lights were in morning- daylight.

Anonymous said...

Pool lights still not fixed. Came home tonight and the back pool light off at 9. Mismanagement.

Enough B.S. said...

All weekend again the back pools lights haven't been on during the evening during the pool hours. Thanks DRM. It has been like this for months. Once there's an accident back there, maybe the board will do something. Instead of proper management, we get BS.