Monday, September 20, 2010

HOA update: Repainting, Monday board meeting, neighborhood watch

Here is a new update from management, e-mailed today to homeowners. We're reposting it here for all residents to see:

"Palermo Homeowners-Update
The power washing to a point was completed on Wed, Sept 15. The painters will start on Monday, Sept 20, 2010.
Also the next Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for September 27, 2010. Executive Session will start at 5:00 PM as the Board will be discussing Legal issues. General Session will be start at 5:30PM. All residents are welcome to attend the General Session.
Lastly, there will be a Neighborhood Watch Meeting that is open to all residents following the General Session. Below is a note from the Committee Chair of the Neighborhood Watch. An agenda for the meeting will be posted in the common area and will be sent via e-mail to the owners next week along with the call in information for owners who cannot attend the meeting.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at any time at 760-346-1161 or via e-mail at"

Miss Penny Lane says: Thank you to the owner who forwarded the update to this site so we could share it with a bigger audience.


Anonymous said...

The board on Monday is going to discuss "legal" issues --- what's up? Hope they ask why DRM didn't earlier discover the supposed "money" owed by Enterprise for water and power that the HOA supposed paid ...

Anonymous said...

WOW, I did not realize I am the Comittee Chair of the Neighborhood watch :) I don't remeber saying anything about me posting the agenda, pehaps I am just miss understanding. Here is a copy of the email I sent to all the members that I have their email address.

Hello Everyone,

Well, finally!! It has been suggested that we have our first meeting on 9/27 after the HOA board meeting and I agreed. I hope that everyone can make it. So, the first meeting will be on Sept 27 @ about 6:45 PM give or take, we will start when the HOA meeting ends. The first meeting is going to be to get organized. We have a lot to do and decide. Some of the things we need to go over is where do we want this whole thing to go? What do we have to do? Do we want to be a formal or informal NHW program? Who do we want at our meetings (council members, police etc) Who can help with what? Of course please feel free to add to the agenda. After we get our footing we will start to schedule regular meetings. Please do not leave this to the "other guy to do", If we are to be successful we need as much participation as possible.

If everyone could tell everyone you know about the meeting it would help all of us out. I have not been able to go door to door threw out our whole complex like I did with some of you. One of the challenges is going to be to notify EVERYONE about the NWP

Please bring a pad of paper and something to write with. I would appreciate if someone could help take our notes of the meeting. I would do it if not for a few things, one is I have terrible writing :) the other is that I just suffered a bad shoulder injury so using my shoulder is very painful. Thank you to whoever helps with that a head of time.