Saturday, September 18, 2010

Renting out the community clubhouse for commercial sales business?

Positively Palermo has received concerned e-mails and photos about the closing down of the clubhouse on Friday night for commercial activity, namely a sales event for a nationwide company called CABI Clothing that has sales representatives host "in-home" gatherings. There were racks of clothes, other product displays and lots of food and drink. The sales event provides a good opportunity to review the clubhouse party rules (see above.) One has to wonder whether the clubhouse rules are meant to allow commercial sales business, particularly at the same cost of $100 that owners pay for host social parties. Another neighbor wants to know why the management company didn't e-mail residents that the clubhouse would be closed, so he knew he couldn't shoot pool with a guest last night. Miss Penny Lane says: She could use some new smart frocks and smocks but she'd never dream of closing down the community clubhouse to get them.


Anonymous said...

One the attendees left a trail of crackers as she left outside the clubhouse.

Anonymous said...

It seems if a tenant/resident wants to host a tupperware, Mark Kay Cosmetics, or CABI party and they pay the fee they should be able to do whatever they want to. I imagine Miss Penny Lane, in a former life, sold Avon and drove a pink Mary Kay Cadillac. We had a special event with the "girls" a few weekends ago in the clubhouse and no one seemed to complain ! Maybe some of these "concerned" residents who have no time but to complain about stuff like this need something to help them RELAX!!! OH the Neighborhood Watch...someone's having fun in the clubhouse. Chill people.

Anonymous said...

LOL. But why doesn't DRM notify owners when the clubhouse will be closed to residents? It doesn't happen that much so an email blast would be easy when DRM get the $100 fee, etc. And to 5:27 p.m., you probably don't attend the HOA meetings and don't know about the budget situation and the ongoing use of reserves to support operating costs, so it might be a good idea to charge more money for profit-making uses. Just good financial sense. Thanks again Penny for letting residents contact you and air concerns, on both sides of an issue - something we aren't always getting at the board meetings. And again to 5:27 p.m., whether you are an owner or renter, please come to a meeting to get the bigger picture. You would be welcome by those residents attending (some of the best discussion is amongst people after the official meetings are over) and you wouldn't have be anonymous with your neighbors and they'd get to know who you are. I do get a kick out of people like 5:27 p.m. who complain anonymously about people complaining about a problem here. It's a pot/kettle black thing, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

To the guy who couldn't play pool with a friend because da ladies were shopping, bummer. I'd love to get together and have someone to shoot pool with here. How about a Palermo pool tournament? (Also agree - if someone is making a buck by renting out the club house, especially on a weekend nite, charge the business more if they are taking in bucks.)

Anonymous said...

Someone left a "TRAIL OF CRACKERS?" OOOOOH. So scary. Sounds like Mrs. Cratchett on "Bewitched" is pulling the curtain back to snoop on the neighbors. Personally, I get a kick out of people complaining anonymously (12:12) about people complaining anonymously (5:27) about people complaining anonymously (6:45)!!!! You all are just hysterical..and by that I mean -- "HYSTERICAL!" LOL. Signed...complaining anonymously at 7:07 xxx

Anonymous said...

I think the event was held by a sister of someone who lives here and she brought in a company rep from Irvine and the attendees were non-Palermo residents, if that make any difference to you all above. Anyhow, have a good Sat. night everyone. Peace out.

Palermo Neighbor said...

I've been following this tonight so, OK, I'll weigh in, too. The "5:27" comment really saddens me. We shouldn't, as s/he did, belittle people who are engaged in this community or have concerns. It is obvious that the use of the clubhouse is a legitimate concern, i.e., use by a money-making business closing the clubhouse to residents on a weekend night, versus just a social party thrown by a resident. No notification by DRM also is a legitimate concern. No need to belittle or insult those concerned about policy issues. Let's celebrate them, not attack in childish words. The "5:27" attitude is why I stopped going to HOA board meetings because there concerns brought up by the rest of us didn't matter. So "5:27" would be at home at the board meetings I think. Myself, I'm happy people are engaged and worried about such matters as clubhouse usage and clean-up. Why not hear what they have to say? Why so angry or afraid of discussion? Let's not try to shut down discussion with insults. We can do better than this. The "5:27" post is just really sad and not the Palermo we all bought into. Rise above everyone. The "5:27" type are a distraction to making this a better place.

Anonymous said...

Well, I for one am very very glad someone like 5:27 is not on the board. We don't need that kind of person. What's wrong with him (her) to hate so much and belittle concerned residents trying to make this a better place. Very childish manner. Must be a very short-term renter or an "investor" waiting to sell, to be so out of touch with full-time residents here and what we are trying to do. We don't need his (her) negativity here. It IS sad. (And no, we don't want businesses taking over the club house.)

Anonymous said...

Let us not attack people interested in the future of Palermo and certainly not with high-school-level insults like 5:27 and his/her probable other later posting. (An email alert from management when the clubhouse is a god idea. It also lets us know if the event has been paid for per the rules.) Thanks Pen.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the 5:27 remark. It does seem sometimes that peopel like to complain at the drop of a hat. There is definitly a lack of live and let live here. I was at one meeting someone was there actually complaining that someone had double sided tape on his garage door. Was it against the rules, probally, but comon do we really want to get that nick picky arourd here?

Anonymous said...

The tape wasn't nick-picking - the state of our management shows this isn't a place the nick-pickings in term of the details. The tape was an eyesore that a real estate person use to put up and sign that they then took down. It looked trashy. We definitely want to get rid of that junk. It wasn't a small thing and this place was billed an design-centered community. Read all the above comments and it was sad to me too that some acts like an elementary school boy in posts regarding people concerned about the community.

Anonymous said...

Do the CABI person even paid the clubhouse fee. Hello? The sister's name is Michelle who opened up the clubhouse.

Anonymous said...

Did they paid the fee?

Anonymous said...

Did we ever find out if they paid?

Anonymous said...

YES, I paid the $100 fee! I am the one who had the Cabi party, and no Michelle is not the right name. I tried scrubbing the place so apologize for the crackers! I have been a renter for 2 years and take great pride in Palermo. I will definitely attend meetings in future because I find it whole-heartedly sad people are so offended by the use. It's like a tupperware party with clothes. No, I didn't make any money as I was just learning about process. I understand if we all democratically agree that no more for-profit parties in our clubhouse, but really? Those who have time to complain, can I sign up for Cabi to sell clothes, as you have alot of time. Sincerely, Courtney (rides the little harley & work out in gym often).