Monday, September 13, 2010

Protecting what's rightfully ours: The much-used road leading to the San Rafael exit gate

The vaguely worded sign put up about access to the undeveloped part of our community unwittingly has raised questions unrelated to the spraying of green dust-control material. (For a discussion of the spraying see the Sept. 12 posting below). A resident posted this comment: "I'm still wondering about the next owner who takes over from Enterprise. The road, gate and retention pond were part of a single development plan and both parts were considered a single lot, regardless of the phases of development. The HOA needs to make sure that our interests (are) protected. I recall Enterprise asking the city to let it out of its bond held for future improvements to Palermo and Murano Palm Springs. The council said 'no' and talked about the 'ramifications of the developer walking away,' so it denied the request." These are good points to remember. According to material sent to Positively Palermo, the City Council on Sept. 2, 2009 reviewed a staff report that said, "The condominium project has been constructed in phases although the map is for a single lot (typical for condominium developments). The initial 'phase' of the project has been completed and is occupied. All Works of Improvement related to, and necessary for the habitation of, said 'phase' have been installed, completed, inspected and approved by the city." In other words, the city has approved and inspected the road — an extension of Enterprise Way — that runs to San Rafael. The city also has approved and inspected the access gate on San Rafael and the water run-off retention feature (a.k.a., what's below the "concrete pond") as part making our community habitable. These are all vital, interconnected components that are part of Phase 1, required to make it livable, and can't be taken away with any change of ownership in the other undeveloped land. In fact, the city after complaints required the secondary access for traffic safety reasons, and it's needed for when the wind conditions are dangerous. The portion of Enterprise Way in Phase 2 has been a real working road with much vehicle and pedestrian traffic, a U.S. Postal Service box, and commercial office. The Palermo HOA also has paid for upkeep, such as repainting the road's fire hydrants and replacing at least one plant in front of the models. MB Financial could foreclose on Enterprise's property in mid-October, then that bank could own it or some other entity could buy it. Management must be prepared to fight, if the new owner tries to grab what is ours on the undeveloped portion of our community. But there's been no discussion of this on meeting agendas. Miss Penny Lane says: Hands off our road, access gate and water retention system.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would like the Board to begin investigating the ramifications of new ownership and protecting our assets. Secondly, do we want Enterprise to buy everything back at auction? It would seem to be that they would then continue with their master design plan as the economy improves and we will be whole at the end is Phase 2 develops. For all we know a strip mall will go in next door if somebody else gets their hands on it.

Anonymous said...

I am a bit confused, is just the area where they are going to put the glue going to be off limits or is the road going to be closed as well?

Anonymous said...

The problem I see with trying to find out what the ramifications fo the the new ownership is that no one know who is going to do what or what their bussiness plan might be. They might want to sit on it or they might want to dump as fast as possible (I doubt that thougg) no one is going to want to invest in the property unless they can basically steel it and the banks don't seem to be playing that game

Anonymous said...

This is just the undeveloped land to the south not access to the road. It's just spraying it so that in the high winds it doesn't blow around and erode. They've done it before. I think it's a city demand. You've seen the signs..."to report dust blowing from this project notify the city at..."

Anonymous said...

The notice put up at first was very confusing about the road access but I think one reason people also became alarmed is that it can seem there's lack of confidence in the local Enterprise operations and how people are treated at time.

Anonymous said...

I'd really like to know why Bruce Bushore has access to putting up signs in OUR clubhouse and has a key to OUR display cases, particularly to put up a sign the threatens OUR HOA regarding paying for future "gluing" to control dust. Did Brandi Scott of DRM, who is listed on the sign, approved of this? The board must fix this because the rest of us can't put up such signs and don't have keys to the display box. Enterprise needs to think about how it is being represented to the community. They aren't giving us what we expected and now the local guy is threatening us it seems with that sign. Also, DRM needs to go. Brandi is too close to Enterprise. Who is watching out for our interests?

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell us what happened to the money we were owed from the builder for the landscape bills the HOA pay for?

Anonymous said...

LOL Bruce's little sign has seemed to cause more problems for his employer.

Anonymous said...

Love it. It comes back to bite the pot-stirrering guy. Funny when the words on that sign about "your HOA" paying for the maintenance of the back lot is used to show all that area isn't controlled / owned by Enterprise. Way to go BB for blowing it again. That sign will come back to haunt in court. Thanks Bruce.

Fire Marshal Bill said...

Fear not Palermo residents - "Enterprise Way" is a required fire department secondary access road that will have to remain in service regardless of future development or ownership.

A tip-of-the-hat to Miss Penny Lane for your excellent community blog!

Anonymous said...

To Fire Marshall Bill, thanks for the info. To me, it seems that this is one plot of land, and/or that the road and water retention are extensions of Phase and entangled with Phase 1 so whomever buys the "vacant" lot isn't getting land without encumbrances, easements, whatever.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone what kind of big sales party is going on right now in the clubhouse? Did they pay the fee?

Anonymous said...

Regarding the money that the HOA is/was owed from the developer for paying for water and power for the outside landscaping, what happened to it? They said it was 20K to 40K. I received an email months ago about it. I'm concerned that this issue only came up after residents became the majority on the HOA board, so why didn't DRM bring it up before when Enterprise controlled the board? Something to ponder everyone. And why hasn't this been on ANY board agendas - why is it being kept from public meetings?

Anonymous said...

What I think is interesting that they said the management company "discovered" this situation after the resident got a majority of the seats on the HOA board of directors. Why not before? Makes you go: Hmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

The board on Monday is going to discuss "legal" issues --- what's up? Hope they ask why DRm didn't discover the supposed "money" owned by Enterprise earlier ....

Anonymous said...

Sorry, above I meet to say: "Hope they ask why DRM didn't discover the supposed "money" OWED by Enterprise earlier .... "

Anonymous said...

What is this about money owed to the HOA by the developer? I haven't heard about this and have attended several meetings over the past year. I don't like information being withheld from association members. We are the association not the board, remember.