Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The wilds of Palermo

There's been no shortage of newsy and noteworthy happenings around Palermo of late — too much maybe. But remember to take in the beauty of the design, the people and the wildlife. This roadrunner was spotted scurrying down Foothill. Miss Penny Lane recalls her Brownies campfire days and says: This little fellow melts her heart even more than the Palermo hotties in the hot tub.


Anonymous said...

Beep Beep. Never saw one of these creatures here. Do they eat crickets?

TundraTabby said...

So, just how fast DO these things run?

Anonymous said...

One was in my yard and they're remarkably brave. He just stood there staring at me while I stared back, Then sauntered (rather slowly) under the fence. I wish I'd had some Acme bird pellets to feed him!